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GothamRiddler's HCTP Collection(RELEASED!)


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I honestly haven't been doing anything with HCTP since December. I've been busy with school and healing from a accident. I might do some more CAW's in the following weeks. I'm not exactly sure who to do yet. But whoever I do it'll be a variant attire you don't see often.

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Well with the announcement of the new Fire Pro game. This will probably be my last save I do. As all my gaming time is gonna go towards that. But I will deliver one more kick ass save before it's released.


Confirmed Roster so far


1.Jim Neidhart(New Foundation)

2.Steve Austin (Green Ringmaster Tights)

3.Dean Malenko (ECW variant)

4.Big Boss Man(Corporation Swat)

5.Undertaker(WWF Debut)


I'll get around to doing a early HHH eventually. I'm gonna look at what's all been made already. After that I'll decide who to make from there. I do think a ECW or WCW Cactus Jack is very possible. That's because I'm a Mick Foley fan. Give me a month or so to get some more CAW's made. As always I'll give each one their appropriate era moveset. So Steve Austin won't be using a Stunner yet. Dean Malenko will work more as a shoot wrestler style moveset. Just little things to keep the CAW's accurate. Thanks for all the support and patience guys. This last save is gonna be something special for sure. Especially if I can get some decent bases going. Because most of the trouble with doing this is a decent base CAW.

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  • 2 months later...

Sorry about the lack of updates on this project. Last night I added three new caws to the save.


6. Razor Ramon (Yellow Trunks & Gold Razor logo)

7. Shoei "Giant" Baba (AJPW Red trunks)

8. Pegasus Kid (Masked Blue Attire)


Now with Razor I had to improvise to make the logos stick out. So the word RaZoR is in a darker yellow than his trunks. I gave the razor a darker yellow and a red outline to make it more visible. Pegasus Kid I might try to turn into Wild Pegasus. I've been working on trying to capture his face on a sperate caw. I still haven't done Hunter Hearst Helmsley yet. I'm procrastinating on doing him. He will get done though. I was thinking of doing the blonde haired Masahiro Chono as another treat to this variant attire save. Well I'm off to watch YouTube for Pegasus Kid/Wild Pegasus matches. I'm still taking attire requests for people. Just get me a decent base caw and pictures of said attire. I'll try my very best to get it done.

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  • 3 months later...

*Update #247*


I haven't done much in the way of HCTP. I won't lie to any of you, but I fell victim to WWE 2K16 & 2K17. Mainly for all the "New Generation" representation in it. Well it's no secret I'm a big fan of that era. I plan to come back to HCTP soon. You can safely bet to see that era represented in some way on this save. I've got some ideas for this last save. As Fire Pro World is coming out for the PS4 soonish. So I'll make this last one count. I appreciate all the patience everyone has when it comes to me releasing these saves. But it's well worth the wait as you've seen.

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  • 2 months later...

*Update #420*


Well I've been busy with work and life. I also stupidly fell into the massive shit storm known as WWE 2K18 on the PS4. I strongly urge you to avoid as it's a *censored*ing train wreck. I plan to make a comeback to HCTP. I haven't done anything other than add Issac Yankem lately. I'm thinking of doing some more soon. With that said, I'm still not sure who I'll make. But you can best damn believe it'll be worth it.

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  • 8 months later...
  • 1 year later...

So I ended up getting locked out of my account on the GothamRiddler/Kamenrangerw account. After a year and a half hiatus I'm back. I've been working exclusively on a Hogan project. So far I have attires ranging from Japan to WWE circa '03. I've got a Mr. America and Hulkamania Tour attires in the works. After that I'll probably just do street attires to fill in the gaps. I did adjust the movesets to the correct eras of Hogan. Like the heel nWo Hollywood Hogan attires have his heel moveset. The Japan Hogans reflect his moveset while wrestling there. Those are just examples though. Here's the break down so far.




2 Japan


2 WWF (Classic 80's)

1 WCW (Darkside No Mustache)

4 nWo (3 WCW & 1 WWE)

6 WWE (Different Variations-With/Without Beard/Bandana)

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