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Guest Fight Me.

I love Meltzer's and Alvarez's story they heard about Flair quitting. Basically he sent Vince a text complaining about Charlotte's booking and said "either fix it or I quit." And, well, here we are. :lol:

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1 hour ago, Fight Me. said:

I love Meltzer's and Alvarez's story they heard about Flair quitting. Basically he sent Vince a text complaining about Charlotte's booking and said "either fix it or I quit." And, well, here we are. :lol:

Don't worry, WWE will hire him again after a few more rappers or athletes mention him or appear with him on camera.

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4 hours ago, Generations said:

Man...anyone who thought beach ball chants were towards Wyatt is seriously out of the loop.

Yeah but it goes to show how Wrestlers see this kind of stuff.
I get her point but its simply not true that people didnt support Wyatt.
If that would be true, he wouldnt have gotten half the reaction he always got.
But even in the face of god awful booking, people still were behind him.
Remember when he won the title at the EC? The people were so ready to follow this man, follow the Era of Wyatt...and the WWE *censored*ing blew it.

But i guess its a lose/Lose situation either way because if you dont cheer for that in the ring it is blamed on the wrestlers, if you dont like it and still cheer they continue to write/book shit.

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As much as i hate it to say, but he has a point in saying that rousey isnt wrong.
Because thats the tragedy of it.

If you want a Wrestler to succeed then you have to cheer him no matter what, because if you dont, they become expendable.
And the WWE didnt care that people were just annoyed by the booking and not the character itself, they saw the reaction simply as "Wyatt isnt over".
In that, Rousey sadly has a point because that is how it felt to the WWE.
They for reasons didnt saw the reaction he drew otherwise, how the fans stood behind him and listened to every promo, cheered for him when the booking hit the right notes etc.

For them it was the typical one dimensional thinking of a company that has become one that activly fights its fans and tries to tell them they are stupid and wrong for not liking evey dumb thing they put out.

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2 hours ago, Mani-Man said:

For them it was the typical one dimensional thinking of a company that has become one that actively fights its fans and tries to tell them they are stupid and wrong for not liking every dumb thing they put out.

Quoted for truth.

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20 minutes ago, Austin3035 said:

please wwe fans  always flip flop on characters  it pretty well known  they can love them one moment then be like they shoving them down are throat's the next   then be like we don't care then when they r release they like f wwe 

Case in point...case in point.

I mean sure its the fans fault when they get tired of the whole "Boss time" thing, not the fact that Michael Cole has to scream it in peoples ears 34634734637377 times whenever Sasha shows up.
Of course its the fans fault when the WWE oversaturates something fast and hard, repeating it dozens of times and trying to stretch it out as much as possible instead of moving it along.
What is just wrong with people not liking the same match pairing 679679560 times over 2-3 months that takes the fire out of any feud?

On that i kind of have to applause the WWE, because they managed to create a environment where people actually feel its totally fine to blame the fans for disliking parts of the product, instead of the product itself.
Like i said, they treat the fans like idiots and some fans actually go "yeah you are right"
A fantastic way to evade addressing problems, to feel the need to evolve...just make those who speak up on potential problems, look like the problem.

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I think there’s a lot romanticizing going on with Wyatt. People were totally getting sick of him prior to his repackaging as The Fiend. Lots of complaining about his redundant feuds, his rambling promos, and his wrestling talent (which this one he had the most control over). Yes, the booking can do a number on guys and Wyatt was a casualty of it to various degrees like many others, but you get him in the ring and he was not very good. Bland and cookie-cutter is how I would describe his work. He was the epitmoe of the WWE style like Elias or Corbin. His creativity never translated very well once he got inside the ring which quite honestly I think is a BIG problem if you’re a wrestler. lol

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I half agree with you.

I was one of Wyatt's biggest critics in WWE, but there was a lot of good about him. I don't think his actual ring work was that bad, but I do think it became way too gimmicky as his career went on. 

What killed him was the fact that he lost every single important feud. Every one. Suddenly his promos go from cryptic intrigue to annoying rambling because whatever metaphor he's using, whatever trick up his sleeve he's promising, you just don't believe it anymore. Suddenly his matches are boring because you just figure he'll lose, and on the rare occasion he won, he'd just lose the next feud immediately. Suddenly his character just isn't worth caring about.

Bray in the early days, NXT through Mania 30, was fantastic. But then he lost. And lost. And got some stupid black magic. And lost some more. And it got to that point of "Why should I invest in anything you ever do?" So yeah, I lost all interest in him after a while, but I put next to none of the blame on Bray himself. Because every single time he got the slightest bit of momentum.... he lost.

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