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Red Dead Redemption 2

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Okay...big spoilers about the end of the game, but I have a serious question about 100% completion...



Once you start playing as John, you can go on to still get 100%, right? Like...I didn't need to complete certain things as Arthur? I would imagine that Rockstar would be kind enough to give a warning if such a thing was going to happen. So, I'm guessing the answer is yes...legendary fish and animals? Stranger missions? All that other jazz. I can still do it all?


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I guess one of my main concerns is about a stranger mission...



The Marko Dragic part II mission would always disappear. I would ride all the way out there only for it to disappear for one reason or another. I literally tried to do it three times with Arthur. First time, I got attacked by a cougar and the marker went away. Second time, the marker just disappeared for no reason. Third time, I had bounty hunters track me there. So, yeah...I just gave up and continued with the main story. Now I really hope I can do that with John...since I don't currently see it on my map.


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I like how...



Arthur taught Jack how to fish. And Agent Ross shows up for the first time while Jack is learning how to fish. When Arthur dies, John tries to be more like Arthur, by taking Jack fishing. And when Agent Ross kills John in the first RDR, Jack finds him fishing before he kills him. It's a two-game epic about fishing. :lol:


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