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Red Dead Redemption 2

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Just got to Saint Denis.




Every time I think the level of detail or amount of things to do has reached the highest possible point, they surprise me with even more incredible shit. Like...I thought Strawberry was impressive. Doesn't come close to the level of detail in Saint Denis. You could go in first person perspective and crawl along the dirt, and you'd probably find tiny details in each cobblestone. :lol:


And the lighting...sweet baby Jesus...the lighting!

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Saint Denis is my favorite town too, even though the main characters hate civilization :lol:


Honestly, that's what I love about it. I feel the same way Arthur does about cities, and the game spares no details in making Saint Denis look as dreadful as possible...even crushing you with that sour musical cue when you first lay eyes on it. Of course, there are nice areas of the city...but I love the brutal honestly when it comes to the seediness...especially the pollution aspect. Like...it's a complete shit hole. Some parts have a fancy coat of paint...but it's still a shit hole. Lol.


Also, having been to New Orleans myself, it feels like being there. Because, that's how it is. There are areas that look really damn nice...but you walk a little bit one way, and it's a complete mess. You look at the way the light diffuses through the smog, and you can almost smell/taste it. And the contrast between the gas lamps and the streets that have electric lighting is just a beautiful work of art by Rockstar. It's such a brilliantly visible contrast.

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I played the shit out of this today, and I still haven't broke 50%. Lord jesus. :lol:



Minor spoiler involving a sidequest you do in Saint Denis for a "doctor" with an invention:



I grinned so hard at the dialogue between Arthur and the bounty he's bringing back to be a test subject for the chair. Just describing all the things that lightning can do to various objects. :lol: All while this dude is like "no...no...NO". Lmao. There's so much subtle humor in a lot of the dialogue for this whole game, and it never ceases to make me chuckle.


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Also, having been to New Orleans myself, it feels like being there. Because, that's how it is. There are areas that look really damn nice...but you walk a little bit one way, and it's a complete mess. You look at the way the light diffuses through the smog, and you can almost smell/taste it. And the contrast between the gas lamps and the streets that have electric lighting is just a beautiful work of art by Rockstar. It's such a brilliantly visible contrast.


I've also been to New Orleans, so I 100% agree... they absolutely knocked the ball out of the park with the visual likeness.

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Edging on 60% now. Again, after playing all night. Can't say I expected what I just spent the past few hours doing (in terms of setting). Kinda threw me.




And I just noticed the 'grin and bear it' achievement.


That's *censored*ing stupid. It makes me angry. I'm not going to intentionally get mauled by 18 bears just so I can try to survive 18 damn times. I mean...why not just have that be an achievement for surviving ONCE? Why is it 18 *censored*ing times. What even is the significance of that number? I thought Rockstar was above dumb shit like that. :lol:

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welp, i tried the gold bar glitch. hot damn it works lol. put 30 bars in the camp funds box and grabbed another 30 bars for myself lol.

There is an easoer money GLITCH, I think. Got 12k within 30 Minutes



I'm in my second new-game and struggling a bit with money. Care to share?

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welp, i tried the gold bar glitch. hot damn it works lol. put 30 bars in the camp funds box and grabbed another 30 bars for myself lol.

There is an easoer money GLITCH, I think. Got 12k within 30 Minutes

I'm in my second new-game and struggling a bit with money. Care to share?

yeah. Gonna do it once I get home


Written instructions in the description.

After I set my waypoint, just jump to 3:50 to skip me travelling there

Had to search the whole map for the location, because the instructions I followed didn't include that :lol:

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welp, i tried the gold bar glitch. hot damn it works lol. put 30 bars in the camp funds box and grabbed another 30 bars for myself lol.

There is an easoer money GLITCH, I think. Got 12k within 30 Minutes



I'm in my second new-game and struggling a bit with money. Care to share?



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I burned one dude alive.


Some pervert that I found on a hill somewhere. Had a whole tent full of nude photos. He was trying to be my friend, told me about some woman he'd been spying on from the bushes, then panicked and tried to leave in the middle of the convo. I lasso'd him, and threw him on the fire alive. I felt pretty good about that decision.

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I'm mostly good in my game...in spite of myself. Which is much like my real-life persona. I hate people, and I don't really want to help anyone...but, I almost always end up being a nice guy anyway.


Only time I kill innocent people in Red Dead, is when they insist on being little bitches about witnessing crimes. Even then, I always try the "stop witness" option before anything else. Had a moment where I just shot a bunch of KKK guys, and two black dudes came riding down the path and witnessed it. When I approached them, they both pulled out rifles. I was like "Really? We're doing this?" :lol:

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