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Red Dead Redemption 2

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Why did people hate Jack? He got revenge on the man that killed his father. I thought that was a nice touch. And it felt good killing that asshole too.


Because he was whiney and annoying.


I think his opening line was something like "c'mon ya damn nag"...his voice sucked. His personality sucked. And he just wasn't John. People loved John. Then they were left with his damn weiner kid.

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Why did people hate Jack? He got revenge on the man that killed his father. I thought that was a nice touch. And it felt good killing that asshole too.


Because he was whiney and annoying.


I think his opening line was something like "c'mon ya damn nag"...his voice sucked. His personality sucked. And he just wasn't John. People loved John. Then they were left with his damn weiner kid.



Exactly this, plus he looked like Michael Jackson with facial hair. He came off as an emo-cowboy who complained about doing simple things and seemed bothered by having to avenge his dad somehow while his dad took on entire gangs and even armies for the sake of his family.

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  • 1 month later...

^ I'm legit not watching anything about RDR2 until I get the game. I just don't have a reason to do so, tbh. I know it will be an awesome game. So, it is what it is. Seeing new vids won't increase the hype I have...it will just spoil things that I could experience first-hand.


I basically did the same with Spider-man, and generally try to just do that for everything now. I enjoy games a lot more when I go in blind. Then even the smallest and most mundane details become mark-out moments.


It's like going back to being a kid...maybe you saw a commercial on tv, or even just a single article in a game magazine. You didn't have an endless stream of media that showed the full extent of a game's content. I'm trying to go back to that.

Edited by Generations
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  • 3 weeks later...

Aw it was so awesome to hear John's voice again.


And OMG I read its gonna be a 60+ HOUR CAMPAIGN! Oh there goes my already non existing social life :lol: JUST DAYS AWAY! Also if yall didnt know you can ALREADY pre download the game since it's a 90+ GB Download. Gotta go to my friend's house to do it, dang Hughes Net...

Edited by TheTRIsetMaster908
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