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Hello All, I'm Alex. I used this site years ago under the username SealsOnWheels so if anyone remembers me from under that username HI AGAIN :). It's been a while hope you are all well.

Anyway I just wanted to share some of my creations with you all.


Alex J Arik:

Arik has been my bread and butter within the caw community evolving from a video game loving nerd to becoming a psychotic lunatic whose main purpose in life is to be remembered for hurting people.. anyone, fellow wrestlers, the ref, the popcorn guy or any man,woman or child in attendance he just wants people to fear his name.

(however I do enjoy giving him lighthearted t-shirts.)

Name: Alex J Arik

A.K.A: 'The Psycho Sniper'

Height: 5'6"

Weight: 13 Stone

Billed From: Bury st Edmunds, Suffolk

Finishers: TM41 (Spinning complete shot), Sniper Kick (kneeling super kick)



If you are into CAW simulation shows you can see Arik on PURE, NAH & KAPOW!



Canni was created last year for the Simulation show New Age Horizons. He started off as a 330 lbs big guy who was very agile. His backstory is that when he was younger his parents got him into gymnastics. He won a few competitions but he didn't enjoy it. When he got to college he began eating ALOT. At one point hitting the 380lbs mark. He started doing food eating competitions and even won a few awards for it. Canny got into wrestling and had a natural energy that trainers liked, however his size was an issue. Now the story with his is that he's trying to get himself down to 250 lbs. So this year I made him a lot slimmer. :)

Name: Canni-Ball

A.K.A: 'The Supersize Asskicker'

Height: 6'4"

Weight: 280 lbs

Billed From: Catering

Finishers: Cannon Ball (top rope senton) Happy meal (Bang-A-Rang)



Third and final Caw for now is called Joey Hex. First thing I'll say is.. thank you to whoever it is that uploaded all the tattoos I used for him, you can find them all on CC.

Joey is my high flying zombie fanatic. His movies is pretty fun. I'm looking to develop his character more this year. :)

Name: Joey Hex

A.K.A: The Infection

Height: 5'11"

Weight: 12 and a half stone

Billed From: Norwich, England

Finishers: Maggie's Bullet (630 Splash), HEXecution (Spinning backfist followed by a deadlift german)




Let me know what you think! :)

P.s better pictures/Videos/Bios will be on their way soon :)

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