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Finishers Reversed Into Finishers


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I believe by now everybody knows about the Curbstomp into RKO. But apparently, more are possible. Quite a lot more are possible. According to what others have found, sigs into sigs are also possible.


Finishers into Finishers found:

Undertaker Tombstone into Kane Tombstone (new animation, found by Youssef)

Undertaker 01 Chokeslam into Kane 01 Chokeslam (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DKX6_GGvyuM, videoarrow-10x10.png made by VaxKuAra, shown to me by Rhilgus)


Signatures into Signatures found:

Discus Clothesline Combo into Two Handed Chokeslam 2 (found by satchmykels)


If you find one, it is best if you say the exact move name. If you do not know it, you can just say who did it and the moves



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