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Oz70NYC Showcase 2K16 (MASSIVE update on Page 6!!!)


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GREAT CAWs man. I remember hearing you say you were going to skip 2K15, and well.... you made a good choice cause that game was like a unfinished beta for this game really lol. Nice to see you back.


There are aspects about this game that are driving me up the wall. Namely the bugs. Specifically how faces deform when trying to change skin tones after applying a texture. Seems to happen every time I try to fine tune skin color. It's annoying as f*ck. There's also a few match options gone that I kinda' miss (like 4 person Battle Royals). That withstanding, I think the series is on the right track. They REALLY need to iron out the bugs though. They're not game breaking, but they lessening the enjoyment I'm having...


That withstanding, I'm trying something new out with face textures. Something that will make it so I don't have to fine tune skin after applying the face texture. Gonna test it out on a female and share my results here if it pans out.

Seems my experiment has yielded EXTREMELY positive results. Anyone who's known me away from CAW making knows that I've been texture modding for such games as The Sims and programs like Poser for years now. With that, I've made tons of skin textures for both. So the experiment was to create a face texture with no blemishes, shadows or other abnormalities that I can use as a base. After a couple hours of manipulation, trial and error...this is the end result.




Perfectly even contouring, shading and smoothness, without the "plastic" look the default face texture has. With this base, I can go crazy as far as adding age to the texture, freckles and other natural blemishes WITHOUT it completely screwing up the skin shading. I'm happy with the result.


The downside? This pretty much means new face morphs for all characters I make from here on...as it's impossible to import this face texture...which is hi-res, (2048x2048 reduced to 312x318)...to any of the screen shots of PS3 heads without distorting the quality. I'll take having a smooth palette to work with any day. And besides...I've been making most of my characters so long I could duplicate the overall structure of their faces just from looking at pics...which I of course have.


Now that I know it works...I'll be making a White male, Black male & female and Asian male & female face texture. Once I've built the templates, I'll share with whoever wants to use them. Crying shame we have to go through these links to create realistic originals...but if anyone's gonna pioneer new techniques, may as well be one of the old guys, eh? lol.


Also...313 more downloads until Silver. COME PEOPLE, HOOK A BRUTHA UP! :P

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Bruh, Ima' need those textures when you get done with 'em. Only reason I haven't posted Finesse yet is becuz I'm having nightmares trying to get his face texture down. I though just using a headshot of Kiko Elsworth would do the trick. Not so much.


BTW, is that Brittany Nitro? If you just molded the face using deformation, that's pretty damn accurate to what she looked like on PS3.

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Bruh, Ima' need those textures when you get done with 'em. Only reason I haven't posted Finesse yet is becuz I'm having nightmares trying to get his face texture down. I though just using a headshot of Kiko Elsworth would do the trick. Not so much.


BTW, is that Brittany Nitro? If you just molded the face using deformation, that's pretty damn accurate to what she looked like on PS3.


Very observant of you, sir. Indeed it is. I had already made Heather Fierhart and Synergi with existing face textures...debating do I wanna make them over again. Probably will as the texture I whipped up is just plain better then the method I was doing before.

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Its a lot easier making the textures Oz as I found out. Check out my topic and youll see on Blade. :)


Yea. In practice using old PS3 screen shots for textures was a decent idea...but in hindsight...seeing as the textures on the PS3 models are naturally lower quality then PS4...there was bound to be some *censored*-ups. Granted males faces are a lot easier, as they're symmetrical. On PS3 the female CAW model stands at a 90 degree angle, which in a screen shot produces an unavoidable shadow on the lower right on the face.


The 5 characters I've uploaded will stay as is. No need to rework them. But everyone else will use the new textures I make. May as well let go of the old and move on to the new. New textures. New face morphs, and so on.

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you wouldn't consider doing versions of your caws without face textures, would you? If not I guess I won't be able to use your caws this year.


That's kinda wierd. I would make CAWs without face textures if the default texture didn't look like plastic. Might be just me being spoiled from using other programs like Poser where I can use 4048X4048 textures with no issues.


Any chance Ryan F this year. Did you ever make Seth Adams. I always download your caws

All of my characters from 2014 will be making a return. No worries.

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Yea, Evan and Jay-J have a tendency of ending matches with their catch finishers. Quite a sight to see.


I'm hard at work on the next group of characters. Need to make an alternate for Kendrick Reese, but this guy is complete...and uploaded on CC.


"Mr. Sellout" Seth Adams





Hashtags: Oz70NYC_CAWS, EVO2K16

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