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Monster Hunter World. Finally beat Diablos solo but had to use the free 2-day trial of PSN to beat Ratholos and gained help from more experienced players. Not gonna lie, I suck ass at this game.




So I went through the story portion again today.......and then, this happened.

I had no idea your cat companion could do that. :lol:

And it happened twice. That had me dying.









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Elder Scrolls Online

How is it? My friend doesn't like it
I for one love it, am addicted to it
Ah ok, since it's on sale for Playstation I'd thought I'd ask

It's much better than I expected it would be. Was going to get it when it was about to be released but I figured it wouldn't be as great as Oblivion or Skyrim because it's an online game but it's a fantastic rpg and not just an MMO. Very worthy for a game in the franchise


I got it on the Xbox Game Pass but I think it's definetly worth getting and especially on sale

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I started Yakuza 6 today. Wow, just wow. Such a big difference in gameplay between this and 0 and Kiwami. I'm really liking the addition of a first person camera view, I remember being so excited when that was added to GTA V and I feel exactly the same way here; it really changes how you view the world around you, which I think is really cool. There seems to be so much new stuff on offer here that I think I'm going to really take my time and enjoy it all.

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Stardew Valley, Pokemon Quest, Owlboy, and Super Destronaut DX (all on Switch)


Pleasantly surprised that SD DX is not just a Space Invaders clone. I mean...it definite is at the core, but it's a lot better than that. Top quality (and dirt cheap) game to play for 2 minutes or 2 hours...and the exact type of game that feels at home on the Switch, despite being available elsewhere.

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Defiance 2050


Leveling up my ark hunter's Assault & Demolitionist classes up to the maximum of 25... slowly but surely. Certain things are much different than I remember the OG 2013 Defiance being, so it has been a new learning experience for me in this "re-imagination" of the original.

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Dead by Daylight


They released a maroon smoking jacket for Ace Visconti... which matters little, I'll be calling him Ace Hefner from here on out. Ace's buttoned up leopard shirt makes him look like a retired porn star, so that's another funny cosmetic that I had to have in my game.



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Guest Shades of Cool

Was playing Fantastic Four. Now I'm sorta playing Ultimate Alliance, changing skins in it mostly and I will be playing X-Men Legends.

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*sigh* Trying No Man Sky again after the recent update, actually ran into another player, wanted to try base building. And character creation. Speaking of Base Building, I read subnautica should come out this year for consoles! I want that and The Forest on PS4

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