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Literally got scared when I reached a certain area of the game. Anyone who played the original should know what area that is. And if you can't remember? High rising water, slime monsters, limited air and many, many deaths.

I'm still traumatised by that damn level after all these years.

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Ratchet and Clank (PS4). Playing this makes me wanna replay the PS2 version again.


Literally got scared when I reached a certain area of the game. Anyone who played the original should know what area that is. And if you can't remember? High rising water, slime monsters, limited air and many, many deaths.

I HATED that part. It drove me completely bonkers when I was a kid.

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Good news. It's a hell of a lot easier to get through that level now.


It's amazing that section is the one part of the game that's stuck with me (and a lot more apparently) after all of these years.

Edited by lightning116
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So Uncharted 4 has conviced me to sell my Xbox One to buy a PS4..

The question is how much do you think is a good price for my Xbox considering it comes with:

-2 Controllers

-Dying Light

-The Witcher 3

-WWE 2K16

-NBA 2K15

-Life Is Strange

-Batman Arkham Knight

-Assassin's Creed Syndicate

-Far Cry 4


I don't want to get ripped off considering the content I am trying to sell

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Ratchet and Clank; the original PlayStation 2 classic. Decided to re-hook my PS2 and play the game that started it all. Still holds up to this day.


Wow. I forgot how much of an asshole Ratchet was to Clank in the first game.

Edited by lightning116
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Batman Arkham Knight (PS4), finally getting around to playing the dlc and doing some clean in the main story so I finally uninstall the game to make room for future purchases.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham

WWE 2K15 (PS3)

WWE 2K16 (PS3)

Max Payne 3 (briefly)

Ratchet and Clank (PS2 and PS4)

Mario Kart 8

New Super Mario Bros Wii

New Super Mario Bros U

SmackDown Vs Raw 2009

SmackDown Vs Raw 2010


All in one month. Also obtained 100 trophies for the second time. Unbelievable.

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