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^^ I genuinely liked Saints Row more before it went off the rails. When it was a GTA clone and tried to take its self seriously, I enjoyed that more than the utter nonsense that it ended up being. Granted, I still think those absurd SR games are fine...I just wish that was a different franchise altogether. 1 and 2 were very fun to me (despite their bugs and flaws). 3 and 4 lost a lot of what I enjoyed. 

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2 hours ago, Generations said:

^^ I genuinely liked Saints Row more before it went off the rails. When it was a GTA clone and tried to take its self seriously, I enjoyed that more than the utter nonsense that it ended up being. Granted, I still think those absurd SR games are fine...I just wish that was a different franchise altogether. 1 and 2 were very fun to me (despite their bugs and flaws). 3 and 4 lost a lot of what I enjoyed. 

SR3 was good imo, but the 4th? Ehh, that one was just way OTT (which was what the devs intended, just not what I wanted). 

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On 3/10/2020 at 7:56 AM, Graeme Jones said:

Saints Row 2

Still love playing that game. Yeah, it's a GTA clone. But don't care. It's fun to play, especially with the cheats. That pimp slap....never get's old. No it doesn't.

I really enjoy 1 and 2. Two especially was needed to give people the things they liked about the older GTA games that GTA4 moved away from. And while 3 wasn't as good the coop help make it ok.

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Played some Rec Room PSVR with my bestfriend yesterday. Its kinda fun, still trying to figure it out, now with better internet and if my laptop can handle it, I'll definitely get into VR Chat.


Also trying LA Noire PSVR. I feel bad for my bestfriend, he too was playing LA Noire, but after the first mission, he accidentally chose the VERY last mission of the game and the ending was spoiled for him. It too was spoiled for me, but that's when it came out years ago on PS3

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Played Borderlands 2 VR. Had the worse motion sickness I've had playing VR. Gonna have to change the comfort mode. Glad I had nausea meds. I have so many games I need to compete. I need to stick to 1 game before I do another, but I dont like to stick to 1 game sometimes. Until Last of Us II comes out, then I'll play only that until I complete it lol

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Fallout: New Vegas

Got the urge to play it for the millionth time. Role-playing as a retired gunslinger (Jake), brought out of retirement after that weasel Benny shot him in the head! But, Jake's memory is rather ... well ... he's a lamb chop short of a mixed grill, but he never forget's an asshole.

Looking forward to getting into the character, I've prepared a few days for this. First time I've planned ahead for a character for FONV.

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5 hours ago, Graeme Jones said:

Fallout: New Vegas

Got the urge to play it for the millionth time. Role-playing as a retired gunslinger (Jake), brought out of retirement after that weasel Benny shot him in the head! But, Jake's memory is rather ... well ... he's a lamb chop short of a mixed grill, but he never forget's an asshole.

Looking forward to getting into the character, I've prepared a few days for this. First time I've planned ahead for a character for FONV.

I tell you, if my internet situation changes this next week. I'm definitely getting Playstation Now and playing New Vegas. Heck I dusted off my PS3 to play it the other day. My main goal is to steal Benny's gun and kill him with it, that's one of the challenges I can remember that. I want to be a silent theif. Get my sneak all the way to 100. Be loyal to no one...except Yes Man :lol:. I've spent maybe around 500 hours playing New Vegas, like around 400 in 3 and maybe 150 in 4. I love the open word Fallouts lol. New Vegas is my favorite of them all. Nothing compares. It was my first Fallout game and just has nostalgia. Wish I could play it for the first time again.

Edited by TheTRIsetMaster908
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Jump Force was a huge disappointment. Other anime fighters it pulls character from does the fighting better like DBZ, Naruto, and One Piece. And speaking of those three too many characters from those 3 which have dedicated fighting games and not enough from lesser series. Couldn't give the 4 main characters from Yu Yu Hakusho. Couldn't even give two main characters from Black Clover. Repetitive boring missions inbetween the load times. And yeah the fights are less time then the load time to get into the fights.

Glad Shadow of Colossus was one of the free games this month because they was a pleasant experience.

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@TheTRIsetMaster908 New Vegas was my first Fallout game, when I first played it? Didn't know what to do with it at the time. So, it sat on the shelf for a year. Then I was recommended by Brandon X to Gopher's channel on YouTube (experienced role-player) and that triggered me to figure out the game etc.

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2 hours ago, Graeme Jones said:

@TheTRIsetMaster908 New Vegas was my first Fallout game, when I first played it? Didn't know what to do with it at the time. So, it sat on the shelf for a year. Then I was recommended by Brandon X to Gopher's channel on YouTube (experienced role-player) and that triggered me to figure out the game etc.

The people I watched that made me love it was thebastardbrothers, Phantom Savage and KZX. I've seen that series multiple times. Like I posted a few months ago, when in 76 if you got the membership you get the NCR gear I had to do it. 

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@TheTRIsetMaster908 Bethesda can shove Fallout 1st up their ass. Locking things behind a paywall is NOT acceptable in any game. Plus, that NCR Ranger outfit isn't the right design anyway lol.

Anyway, moving on. Still playing FONV, but also playing Fallout 4 on XB1. Trying out the Calamity Weathers mods, along with the Vivid All In One mod. So far? Loving it. Wanted to include the Sim Settlement mod, but not enough space for it dammit.

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I've been playing a lot of Mario Kart 8 on Switch again. My buddies all wanted to play it online the other night. After that, I noticed that I really never unlocked very much or even played very much on my solo game. So...yeah, that's what I've been doing for the past few days. Just getting first place in all the races, grinding coin collection, and unlocking a bunch of stuff. I probably never bothered unlocking too much on Switch because I already had the Wii U version before I even had a Switch. So...I guess I just never felt like it until now. Lol.

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Playing solo and with my friends


Trying all the modes, I got the battle pass so I can get Deadpool, already caught up with it

GTA Online So I can get the Tron Bike


PSN is Triset908 if anyone wants to drop in sometime

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I downloaded Sonic Forces because it's currently free for PS Plus subscribers. I am a die hard Sonic fan and had planned on eventually buying this but, man oh man...so far I am not liking it much. I'm only at the 3rd stage and I do not like how the game feels. The gameplay feels clunky even as Classic Sonic. Generations felt so much better in that regard. I do not like the avatar character. I hope to get some enjoyment out of this the more I play it but, for right now I have to say that I'm glad I got the game for free.

Edited by Spamming Nooblet
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8 hours ago, Spamming Nooblet said:

I downloaded Sonic Forces because it's currently free for PS Plus subscribers. I am a die hard Sonic fan and had planned on eventually buying this but, man oh man...so far I am not liking it much. I'm only at the 3rd stage and it I do not like how the game feels. The gameplay feels clunky even as Classic Sonic. Generations felt so much better in that regard. The "avatar creator" is a complete joke. I hope to get some enjoyment out of this the more I play it but, for right now I have to say that I'm glad I got the game for free.

I'm stuck on Sonic Generations. There's a bit where I jump onto this bouncy thing but it won't send me high enough to get to the bit I need to get to.

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On 3/21/2020 at 5:10 AM, cmhunter7g2 said:

I'm stuck on Sonic Generations. There's a bit where I jump onto this bouncy thing but it won't send me high enough to get to the bit I need to get to.

Where? In the hub world? I would recommend watching someone else's playthrough of Generations on youtube or something. I gave my nephew my copy years ago. I honestly didn't know it was possible to get stuck anywhere in that game.

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Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas | PS4

Been a long, long long, long...time since I last played. The driving, oh lordy, it's *censored*ing horrible. Love the game, but if I keep playing more than an hour any given time? I'm likely to bang my head against a brick *censored*ing wall. But ... can't resist man, it's my favourite (well 2nd favourite as Vice City is my all time favourite) in the GTA Series.

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