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Dead by Daylight


- Halloween event is running until Monday, love me some double XP


- Introduction of 'The Archives' - which brings in-game awards for completing objectives... and at the same time, it also dives into the lore of the game's cast of characters


- Mid-chapter game update, curious to see how Nurse killers play after her recent rework

Edited by NegativeCreep
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WWE 2K20


Trying to wrap up the last few chapters on MyCareer, before I give it a rest in the hopes Community Creation problems are sorted, and I can start working on Universe mode.


Dead by Daylight


Absolutely love the 'Dia de Los Muertos' cosmetics their developers added recently... hell, even my least favorite killer in the game received kick ass cosmetics in honor of the day. Bought the two survivor cosmetics without so much as a second thought.


EDIT: Oh hell yes... Behavior released Steve Harrington's season 2 themed cosmetics, where he's wearing the Members Only jacket, sunglasses, and yellow rubber gloves.

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Guest Shades of Cool

Injustice 2


I just got the game a few days ago and I'm so addicted. I have no idea why I waited so long to buy it.

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Injustice 2


I just got the game a few days ago and I'm so addicted. I have no idea why I waited so long to buy it.

To me you're kinda lucky. When I got very bored of the game, I played it every day for months. And after all the DLC was out, THEN they added Green Arrows Hood. I want to play the game again and try and get that. That's the main thing I wanted. I VERY wish they were like the mobile game where movie, tv, other comics, ect suits are added. Still a fun game, it's better than 1, except with the separate suits now gone. I predict Injustice 3 will be out in 2 years. Since its MK9, 2 years later Injustice, 2 years MKX, ect Edited by TheTRIsetMaster908
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  • 2 weeks later...

been doing Red Dead Online more regularly the past week. im enjoying it more the more i progress. ive been doing the solo stranger missions (retrieving stolen wagons, escorting caravans) to rank up before continuing the main story. im at rank 18 currently.

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Fallout 76 again, my bestfriend convinced our other good friend(who moved away years ago) to get the game, he loves it he said. Now the trio can survive together. Gonna work on getting the Jetpack.


I also bought 1 month membership, ONLY to get the NCR armor. Once I saw that, I KNEW I had to have it. New Vegas is my all time favorite Fallout game, its what made me a Fallout fanatic. I also got more Atoms, which I'm most probably going to buy a Fridge, 1 to keep food, and 2 for it to spoil less.

And now working on getting alot of Lead for ammo since I'm running dry, and cant use Melee weapons with my internet, because it lags a bit, I'll shoot them, and 1 or 2 seconds later they get hit


Also GTA Online trying to get money for the upcoming Casino Heist. And just to have fun, I've been having Bloodlust lately so been getting into huge fights with others who mess with my friends supply runs or deliveries

Edited by TheTRIsetMaster908
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Dragonball Legends (Mobile)


They made a recent update that added a co-op boss battle mode like in Xenoverse 2, except you can only have 1 partner, it's pretty fun. A lot of people hate on mobile gaming because of the microtransactions but, I've been playing this game every now and then since it came out and I never spent a single penny on it. The level cap right now is 5000 and I just got my DBS Broly to that.

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