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I swear I just waste entire hours in RDR2, and I do mean waste. I try to complete a mission and the stupidest thing happens when I'm almost done, like my horse just tripped over a rock running from the law and then when he gets up he has a limp so he cant run anymore, I end up getting some of my gang mates killed because of this and the mission is failed. That kinda shit doesn't happen at all in non-mission gameplay.

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Guest Shades of Cool


Cool! :) Let me know how you like 2k19.



And for me, I've been playing Shadow of the Tomb Raider

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Just started The Order 1886 and I'm enjoying it so far. Wasn't aware how great the game looks, that was a nice surprise.


Also went back to Ghost Recon Wildlands. Just felt like playing a basic shooter, dunno if I'll stick with it though.


In preparation for KH3 I've been playing KH2. Been having a blast so far and I'm now right at the end. Gonna grind to level 99 before the final boss fight. Also might tackle some extra stuff beforehand too. Would like to try and beat the optional Sephiroth boss fight but everytime I try I don't get anywhere close.

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Battle Princess Madelyn on Switch. *censored*ing badass homage to Ghouls 'N Ghosts. And every bit as hard. :lol:


Also, Iconoclasts for Switch...which is also awesome.


I swear, I spend more money on my Switch library than anything else these days.

Edited by Generations
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Red Dead Redemption 2. Taking my sweet time with it.


Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate. Good idea on paper, sloppy in executions for certain things.


WWE 2K14. Back to my YouTube stuff again.


Marvel's Spider-Man. Just got DLC #2, Turf Wars, and will have fun going back to swinging around New York City again.

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I was playing Pokemon Dark Violet, guess I played a non finished version. Got to where I have to go to Cinnabar Island and it stopped me there. Ugh, gotta find a way to download it because past few times I tried to download a Rom Hack it wont really work. Ash Gray is still my favorite one

Dark Violet is like Fire Red but it adds Green to the story too, Daisy(Blues sister) and Silver from Gen 2 but under a different name. I like this version Way better than plain ole Fire Red. And I can fast forward and save at any time. Feel like I cant play any Pokemon game without my phone because of those features :lol:

Edited by TheTRIsetMaster908
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Sun & Moon were fun the first time around, but IMO don't have the replayability of the other games. They were a fun break from the norm, but I'm excited for gen 8 to return to the usual format.



Anyway, I'm playing through Dragon Age Inquisition a second time right now, treating it as my canon playthrough for when DA4 drops. Imported world states from DAO and DA2 for the first time ever, which is pretty fun.

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