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Still Subnautica, I got the Cyclops built(which I call the TRI-CLOPS,and the SeaMoth is the TRI-POD) I want to get back to The Forest, need to update it, with all that really cool stuff they added. Hell I need to get back to ARK and play the new world, but I have to update. Have to bum off of my friends internet to download and update games. I have a huge list of games I have to finish.



Dead by Daylight... the game engine update & DLC that went live yesterday is soooooooo friggin' sweet.

What's different with the engine? And how is the new killer?

Edited by TheTRIsetMaster908
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Dead by Daylight... the game engine update & DLC that went live yesterday is soooooooo friggin' sweet.

What's different with the engine? And how is the new killer?


Improved lighting, audio, rendering, etc. etc.


The new killer? "Legion" is a snooze fest, and makes matches exceedingly longer than they should be... pretty much needs a re-work/tweaking ASAP. The one good thing about Legion is one (or two) of their teachable perks being pretty solid.


However... the new survivor (Jeff Johansen) is metal af, and has some interesting teachable perks.



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Dead by Daylight... they added ugly Christmas sweaters for the unlicensed survivors, and the sleaziest Santa Claus outfit they could've created for the Clown killer.


Also, Behavior is running another DbD double blood point event from December 27th until January 3rd. So there's that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well just found out in the settings in The Forest I can disable my structures being broken! And I finally got my wall built around my house and it FINALLY rained again so my water collectors are full again!(I'm always worried because I'm on a beach and cant use that water, been making it by finding soda cans around...BUT I just ran into the "Cowman" I think it's called and the Spider Guy also at once as I was searching near the plane for Soda and Booze. Booked it to my house. I need more booze so I can make fire arrows and the spears with the bottles on them and just made Bone arrows. I really haven't been going in caves, I'm just trying to get me a place settled. Gonna make a House Boat soon and link my place to trees. Got better at the bow, had like a 5 person headshot streak. I'm probably gonna do a one off video of me playing The Forest like "I'm actually there" and when I actually die I'll "wake up and take my VE headset off lol, just something silly I wanted to do(haven't slept so I think of weird things)


Sorry for long paragraph lol


Also Subnautica, got my base going good, got the Cyclops(Tri-clops) and my Prawn Suit, next is to start on the rocket. Just need to get to the lava zone. Feel dumb I was worrying about Water all I had to do was Salt+Coral=Bleach. Then 1 Bleach=2 Water

Edited by TheTRIsetMaster908
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Red Dead 2. I was doing the mission with the stupid oil wagon, took it all the way where it needed to go, and crashed it on a giant rock like 3 feet from where I had to leave it, mission failed. That was like an hour wasted.


The wagon physics are shit (especially in towns). It feels like it should swing wide, but then it actually does these shitty hairpin turns, and you end up stuck on things (like you said). And if there was a way to reverse, I damn sure never figured it out. Just gotta try to get unstuck to the best of your abilities.

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Nah, I tried to reverse but it just did more damage. The wagon was "destroyed". Sucks because I happened to just find the wagon parked in the middle of nowhere and was not guarded at all, just the driver. Tried to do the mission again but this time it was parked in the usual place at the refinery guarded by like a million guys. The good thing is that after passing the first Mary Linton mission John Marston got the wagon himself lol.

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The wagon physics are shit (especially in towns). It feels like it should swing wide, but then it actually does these shitty hairpin turns, and you end up stuck on things (like you said). And if there was a way to reverse, I damn sure never figured it out. Just gotta try to get unstuck to the best of your abilities.


On a PS4 controller, you can go in reverse with the R1 button when you're driving a wagon/stagecoach.

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R1, is that it? Gawd, I didn't press everything but I could've sworn you could do it in RDR1. Had to do a full circle to get the stagecoach into the barn for fencing.


I'm still tryna get past jumping on a horse and holding R2 to accelerate thinking it's every other open world game and end up firing a shot and getting in trouble for it

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10/10 can confirm... R1 totally works for reversing a wagon and/or stagecoach.


(I was sure to double check with one of my brothers before I posted about R1 being used to reverse, they both have more hours logged in the game than I currently have.)

Edited by NegativeCreep
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