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KS Showcase 2K15


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Toxic is on CC right now.

Hope you have the Sting DLC.


Apparently he uses something from the Sting DLC, WLJ tried to DL him and can't. I've been through Toxic's moveset but I can't see what might be Sting DLC. 2K have removed the 'DOWNLOADED' icon from moves in Create A Moveset (or at least it's not showing because Sting was pre-release DLC and not downloaded from WWEShop etc.) Makes finding whatever he uses from Sting a chore.


He might not even have anything from Sting, but since I copied him from Jason Youngblood as a base, who does use Scorpion Death Lock, Toxic may be locked in the DLC status despite no longer having Sting DLC in his moveset. Very annoying when CAWs do that.

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Still I have no idea what he uses off of Sting/Hogan. I copied him to a new CAW slot and named him 'Toxic No DLC'. Even after overwriting his moveset to AJ Lees, he shows the DLC exclamation mark when uploaded to CC. About to check his entrance moves and stuff, but I don't recall using Hogan stuff on him.

Try downloading the 'Toxic No DLC' that's up there now and let me know what it says.


Like I say, I can't see any Sting/Hogan stuff on Toxic. Thinking it might still be like that since he was originally Jason Youngblood, but it's worrisome that even overwriting his moveset to AJ Lee's still shows the DLC marker.

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Just remade Toxic on a new slot from scratch. Surprisingly hard, given the warping that the logos do.


Gave him RVD's moveset with changed finishers and sigs, to avoid accidentally putting a Hogan move in there. At least that way you guys without Hogan DLC can at least have the CAW, even if you want to stick your own moves on him afterwards.


He's on CC now, called Toxic, and the comment says 'no dlc remade on new slot'.

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Those look fantastic. Wish I could add Tyler McMoore :(

Tyler McMoore




Sorry if he's not good enough, Dan. Making him I really realize how limited CAW Mode can be. Making stockier wrestlers, adding age wrinkles, knocking teeth out... these are things that are either hard to do or cannot be done.

Still had need dlc btw I have the dlc so it doesn't matter to be Great caw for some reason it had no entrance tho Just quite I am on the phone so i have him taker entrance

He still had need dlc? the one that said 'remade on fresh slot' as it's comment? That's rediculous. So far the only 'DLC' that's released is Sting and Hogan. RVD's moveset and Tensai's Poison Mist Choke/Tajiri's Poison Mist shot (changed sig/finisher) shouldn't be marked as DLC at all.

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Yeah it still has the mark for DLC for some reason I have both hogan and sting tho :) Trying making it with default move list of someone who in the game. And maybe you are you using a part of sting or hogan to make this caw in the wwe part maybe


In the caw's appearance? I suppose he's using Hogan's black weight lifting belt, but are you seriously telling me that those a) it's counted as DLC, and b) those without the Hogan DLC do not have this CAW appearance part available to them?

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seems to be the same problem with jason youngblood can't download without hogan pack


He uses nWo Hogan's tights, for the lightening effect. I'm gonna be taking a PS4 Share button screenshot of Jason's tights and upload the lightening as a custom logo, putting it on top of normal tights so that he doesn't have to use the Hogan CAW part.

Toxic (2nd Attire now uses Toxic's retro mask):



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Now that I've gotten a couple of CAWs knocked-out, I've been watching some 1 on 1 matches. My thoughts:

- Hate the slower move speed overall, and the weird slow motion effect on some moves - noticeably moves which involve opponents going through the air like a hip toss/arm toss.


- New engine my arse. Fighters still stop their offense dead and stare at their opponents, allowing them to 'start their turn' at being on the offensive.


- Rolling the downed opponent over, even when it's rolling them TOWARDS the ropes, and dragging downed opponent by arm/standing opponent by head a few steps towards the center of the ring for nearly every move gets REALLY ANNOYING.


- Is the referee's voice now tied to commentary? I have commentary turned off, and the ref no longer calls out the numbers as he counts you out and tells you to get back into the ring.


- Matches are still the usual THQ 3 minute affairs. What happened to the so-called overhauled Stamina System?

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  • 2 weeks later...

The logo manipulation isn't as flexible as I'd first thought. Stretch the image too much and you get a fade effect. Move it too high-up the leg and it 'jumps' to the hip placement, which moves the entire logo too far up the hip etc. If you're trying to place a logo on the side of the tights you don't get as much room to move/resize as it would first appear. The above is my attempt at re-creating his WWE13 look.


My friend also wanted a golden-themed 'God's Gift To Women & Wrestling' attire. Since next gen only allows 2 attires per CAW, I've edited them both to be more similar to each other :)



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