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Piledrivers and Power Ballads: Pro Wrestling's Musical Moments


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Have Tights, Will Warble


The world of professional wrestling is as littered with failed gimmicks as it is stalled musical careers; for whatever reason – the pyro, the physiques, the proliferation of Spandex – these guys (and gals) seem to think that the transition from ring to stage will be an easy one. But more often than not, they flop like a Kennel from Hell match.


Of course, there are exceptions to the rule: Take Chris Jericho's Fozzy, which began as a joke-y cover band but has since morphed into a formidable heavy metal machine, releasing six albums (their latest, Do You Wanna Start a War, came out last week) and performing at festivals around the world.


But mostly, when music and wrestling meet, the results are catastrophic. Yet, we have every reason to believe that grapplers will be releasing albums until the end of time...after all, who's going to tell them it's a bad idea? Here are 15 of the most memorable – and not entirely awful – musical moments in pro wrestling history.

Read more: http://www.rollingstone.com/culture/pictures/piledrivers-and-power-ballads-pro-wrestlings-musical-moments-20140730#ixzz395QTdHBv




This stuff is gold lmao. Especially this:


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Fozzy is so bad its not even funny.



Glad I'm not alone I thinking this, it's so cringeworthy


Could be worse...it could be whatever the hell Ultramantis Black is doing

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