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Tetsuya Naito by ShatterTheSky.


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So this CAW happened by complete accident. I know I've told a few people that my next CAW would be Drake Younger, but Naito just... happened, and I liked it. All I've done so far is the face, but previews of everything else should come when I figure out what the hell I'm doing with this. I'm serious, I didn't even want to make Naito, it just came out of nowhere.




Attires coming... eventually.


This is the ref I worked from, if anyone cares.





I'll try to get this done and uploaded before Wrestle Kingdom on the 4th.



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Based on you ref...


Eyes need slight bags. Age needs to go up a bit...Mouth needs to be a scooch taller and less wide...


Cheekbones need to be slightly more pronounced.


Eyes probably need to be a bit bigger. Naito always looks so damned bug eyed all the time (though not so much in the ref)


Great start. There are some Naito textures on CC if they weren't for you already, lol. Polvo de Estrella! (Chicken Star? :P)

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