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Really good (not-too-cheap) AI sliders


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Difficulty: Legend


AI Reversal Frequency: All at 15 (or 5 from the right)

Reversal Window Size All at 15 (5 from the right)

Momentum All at 5 from the left (makes getting finishers take longer, so they don't feel "used up" after about the eleventy-billionth one of the match).

Stamina set at 0 (makes matches longer--takes longer to wear you or the AI out)


On top of that, set everybody's Techical attribute, including CAWs, to an across-the-board 50, and the Submission attribute to an across-the-board 80. The AI does reverse sigs/finishers now, but not constantly. It makes for a more "fair-playing" AI, where they'll be a tiny bit cheap if they're just about to lose, but it'll be too little, too late.


Weaker characters still get their scalps handed to them on a silver platter by the likes of Stone Cold, Taker, Kane, and Jericho (as well as the other high-tier wrestlers).


My strongest CAW now "only" has an overall rating of 86 (heavyweights and super-heavyweights), whereas Taker has a mighty 93! Yikes.


These sliders are the "missing link" between tough AI and fair AI that I have been looking for for a long time. I had been tweaking sliders for years, but always ended up with either milquetoast pushover AI or insanely cheap, "perfect-play" AI (look up that trope on TVTropes.org for more info) that never let you get more than a sparing handful of moves in throughout the whole match.


This set of sliders will net you plenty of countering action by the AI, but it won't be the annoying "let's reverse EVERY. SINGLE. MOVE." type of counter-spamming a lot of people (including myself) complained about when setting the reversal settings too high, looking for a "tougher" challenge. Turns out that THQ used to follow the "tough AI must be as cheap as possible" mantra, which may have explained why sales of their SmackDown games started to tank in recent years.

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