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Invisibleman's CMLL/AAA LuchaCaws! ::: Extreme Tiger Preview ::: Tons of Luchas Uploaded!

invisible man

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Cool, thanks DragonScrew.


I uploaded a CMLL arena template and all the logos I used. I did the arena logo apron trick

and then instead of adding more 256 logos like it says, I started adding 128's so I could add more overall. Some of the logos I upped are logos split in two (Cementos, Siete Macho, Corona). There's also a 128 Corona for the corners of the mat.


It's worth the 10 mins it takes to put it together...really helps make my Lucha show feel like a non-WWE game.

Planning on a more modern AAA arena soonish.
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Yup...definitely it. I've even went in and deleted everything from the HDD. The idea of getting back free time during the week (I'd play early morning and late at night and sometimes during breaks at work, daily). It's a fair chunk of the week...


In all honesty, I felt a tad bit of relief. At this moment, I have no intent on buying another game.


Anyhow, I didn't get that much use out of everything I made as just when I was happy with it all, it corrupted. So hopefully, the lucha fans on here can make use of it all. And thank you for all you made! And Dragonscrew too.

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mate im so gutted for you. i know how much time and effort you've put in, and all your work was exceptional quality, i hope you come back to the communnity sometime, i know me and fried will miss your work and your input, and help you've given us. if it's the end of an era, then you have a massive thanks from me, you've made the game so much better and enjoyable for us all. i realise how annoyed and frustrated you must be, but take a while and maybe just re-dl your stuff, after all the work you put in you deserve to enjoy it. if your gone for good it will be a massive loss to the community, and us lucha fans. cheers mate, take it easy.

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  • 1 year later...

I believe most of his textures were either hand made or taken from the AAA video game who's textures should be around at the usual places people get their textures from.


There's a lot of nostalgia around this topic for me, Invisibleman if you ever read this I'm still using your caws even today.

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