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MST3Claye's TNA CAWs - Eli Drake - Final CAW Uploaded!!10/23/15


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Great PT work, man. Particularly on Gunner's tats and Roode's shirt. You have a solid facial morphing on Roode, but it's lacking in the detailing department. The hair is also off-putting. It should be like Dr Vries' from last year. The body figs need to be reworked completely, and definitely use a different base body type.


Thanks for the suggestions.. This picture is what I was aiming for as far as the hairstyle and body base.




Would bringing down the darker color on the top half of the hair PT I have to the rest of it work out better? I get the weirdness of the close shaved part of the hair. Might be a bad interpretation of what I understood from Shock800's paint tool of it. Also I have yet to see the CAW on a normal TV screen and not a video capture window on my PC.. Hope I'm not too disappointed with what I see then! LOL Will check that all out today and work things over.


Again thanks for all the comments here!

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Damn, Roode really let himself go, huh? That said, the body morphing isn't as far off as I initially thought. Increasing shoulder height and decreasing neck height would go a long ways. The head also looks like it needs to be a tad bigger. As far as the hair goes, from what I understand, it should basically be done pixel by pixel as almost a checkerboard pattern. What you have here just seeks like random speckling. Also, The eyebrows are too textureless atm. Try placing the lion's face design over them, blended with the skin and very high on transparency.

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Damn, Roode really let himself go, huh? That said, the body morphing isn't as far off as I initially thought. Increasing shoulder height and decreasing neck height would go a long ways. The head also looks like it needs to be a tad bigger. As far as the hair goes, from what I understand, it should basically be done pixel by pixel as almost a checkerboard pattern. What you have here just seeks like random speckling. Also, The eyebrows are too textureless atm. Try placing the lion's face design over them, blended with the skin and very high on transparency.


Hehe.. yeah.. He's not as defined muscle-tone as he was early on as World champ. Actually I do have the checkerboard thing going, but it looked SO awkward and noticeable which is why I did the random speckling in between to try and break that up.. I might make that solid somehow and then copy the current checkerboard on top.. Hope I have enough free PT slots to even try that. I've got the eyebrows behind oval shapes, will go into PT and lighten the textured part of them up.


Also, after having a match with one of the top rated Kurt Angle CAWs on CC with his current TNA outfit/debut outfit and two WWE ones... Roode is as thin as a pencil profile wise! Gonna re-check that one!


Thanks again for the suggestions!

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