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Dont have xbox live as i only have piss ant internet speed so i can only upload the image here i wont be ripping them from any games as i already have them from other people just want to clarafy that no talk of hacks and that thanks

Aj Styles Tna impact game



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Undertaker big evil



By canon25 at 2012-04-26


By canon25 at 2012-04-26


By canon25 at 2012-04-26



The Big Show



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By canon25 at 2012-04-26maskedkane2.jpg

By canon25 at 2012-04-26kanevi.jpg

By canon25 at 2012-04-26


Shane o mac



By canon25 at 2012-04-26




If anyone on Live uses the AJ Styles stuff to make an AJ Styles CAW, message me, I will download the shyte out of that.


I second That AJ haha

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Do you happen to have MVP's tattoos from last year's game?


Here you go, I think yours could definitely benefit from a facial texture too as the morph looks fairly nice just needs a different base skin to work from which a texture would give you.




Thanks for this. As much as i'd like to texture the face, I don't think i'd have enough PT slots to cover everything that's needed, after the tattoos are done and final touches are added to the attire, I don't think there would be any available slots left, which sucks.


And even if i'm not supposed to ask this, anyone who could help me get those tattoos into the game would be doing me a huge favour, as my Paint Tool skills just wouldn't do, if i'm being honest.

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Any pic of attires or tattoos would be helpful on the PS3 side. It makes for great reference. I really need is a Jericho attire textures from svr 2011. Also Brock's back tattoo (in full) cause most of the one's I have are in halves. There should be a thread of these pics in the WWE 12 boards.

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  • 4 months later...

Hey guys and girls if anybody needs any textures from anygame i have them all ill be gladly ready to share with you ohh also i use to be jake e boy the guy that wrote out the forms for svr 2011


can you tell me 1 by 1 how to i import it to paint tool wwe12 plz

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  • 4 months later...


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