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xjakexryanx's Caws (UPDATED 01/19/2012 W/ CAPCARD PICS)


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So this is the first year I've dived this much into CAW creating. Usually I'd just make one or two CAWS, real simple with in-game designs and default faces, skins, and body morphs. While I still don't like to spend too much time on faces, I have really gotten into Paint Tool and Create-A-Superstar this year. I see a lot of cool original CAWS on this forum, but some are way too unrealistic. So what I did was tried to keep it simple so that these guys would look like they'd be in the WWE. Here are the first four that are done that I'm satisfied with:


Jake Ryan :


I make this guy every year but this is the first time I've gone into this much detail. Everything is PT'd including designs, tattoos, etc. I was really excited when they released the list of call names this year because I could properly stitch together my real name.










Colt Cassidy :


This guy is based loosely off Colt Cabana, but only in the sense of larger upper body and wears a singlet. In order to get the two shaded singlet to work the way I wanted, I had to use the full length singlet. In order to get the singlet to cut off at the thigh instead of at the ankle, I had to use a PT and cover the bottom part of the tights. The pictures make it look really noticeable, but in game it looks great!










"The Archangel" Azrael :

My lucha CAW. A luchador with a dark/demonic theme. The photos make the PT's look blurry, but where this guy really shines is in the ring, both in looks and skill. I spent days perfecting his move set. There are two attires. One red, and the other half red, half grey. I also did some tattoo work and face work so that I can make am unmasked attire soon.










and last but not least...


Kendo Chen:


The high-flying South Korean. I've seen a lot of wrestlers over the years use their home country as their gimmick: Canada, Mexico, Japan, America. But I've never seen a South Korean gimmick (there probably is, or has been one) so I though it would be cool. Plus, I really like their flag so I knew I could incorporate that heavily into his attire.










EDIT: 01/05/2012


Here is my newest CAW.


Marcus Lee:


The idea behind his gimmick is that he believes he's part all-pro athlete and part moviestar. He's a smug heel with the talent to back up all his smack-talk. Again, the bad photos misrepresent him a little, especially the colors and lettering in his attire. Where it really looks weak is his main attire because the photo makes the yellow look pale, when it fact it's a sharp, bright yellow. Also it's not easy in the photos to see the letting in his attire so I took photos of the PT's for those spots. I actually am more proud of this one than most of my other caws, expect Jake Ryan of course ; )










EDIT: 01/19/2012


Here are my newest CAWS.


Trevor Morgan:










Jesse Maverick:










And my first female CAW,









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Thank you both so much for the kind words! It's great to hear all your hard work is appreciated.


Here is my newest CAW.


Marcus Lee:


The idea behind his gimmick is that he believes he's part all-pro athlete and part moviestar. He's a smug heel with the talent to back up all his smack-talk. Again, the bad photos misrepresent him a little, especially the colors and lettering in his attire. Where it really looks weak is his main attire because the photo makes the yellow look pale, when it fact it's a sharp, bright yellow. Also it's not easy in the photos to see the letting in his attire so I took photos of the PT's for those spots. I actually am more proud of this one than most of my other caws, expect Jake Ryan of course ; )














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Wow. Digging your new guys attire as well. Very simple in design, but yet makes a huge difference..


Keep 'em coming.

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.Excellent caws all around my friend. Jesse Maverick is my favorite of the new batch.


Though, I love the pt work on Trevor Morgan the most.



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Thank you to everyone for the kind words! Im extremely grateful for the words of encouragement and praise as I have put a great deal of time into these.


Derk, I too am very fond of the paint tools on Morgan, I did an alternate attire for him today that I'll post pics of later...


I've been racking my brain trying to come up with new ideas or gimmicks for a new CAW but I've been stuck...

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Well, as much fun as that was I am officially one hundred percent done with THQ. One of the bugs in this game has been causing community creations to freeze up my console, well today this happened while saving a CAW from CC and it CORRUPTED my Create a Superstar data and it's not readable now...so the DAYS I spent creating each CAW are now meaningless, what a waste of time and money this game was....

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