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Official ROH Show Discussion


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Best in the World is receiving rave reviews. I haven't seen an ROH show in two years, but I might start watching again.



Also, Matt Sydal (Evan Bourne) was backstage.


I didn't like it much. It wasn't bad but it just wasn't really that spectactular or different to any other ROH show. I did like Briscoe Brothers vs. Matt Hardy & Bennett, reDragon vs. Bad Influence and Elgin vs. Cole though. The "We *censored*ed up" thingy during the main event was hilarious. :lol: Hated how Elgin is booked to be so overly strong though and this event took the cake. Doesn't help that I can't stand him either.

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I like Elgin when he's teaming with Cage in PWG. And I like MsChif. So basically, I like the people that are associated with Elgin. Otherwise, I don't like or hate Elgin. He's...there

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I've never got the hype around Elgin. I've seen him wrestle for the last 3 or 4 years and aside from the delayed vertical suplex he hasn't really done anything special. He's best in short matches, or matches with smaller guys. Any longer than 7-12 minutes and it turns into a really bad indy-puroresu match. Pretty much the same problem Davey Richards had.

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I've never got the hype around Elgin. I've seen him wrestle for the last 3 or 4 years and aside from the delayed vertical suplex he hasn't really done anything special. He's best in short matches, or matches with smaller guys. Any longer than 7-12 minutes and it turns into a really bad indy-puroresu match. Pretty much the same problem Davey Richards had.


Exactly. Elgin is waaaay too repetetive. Great wrestlers can do their moves over and over again and still make the match feel fresh, Elgin has the exact same match everytime he steps into the ring and it's just boring and no amount of moves can change that imo.


So, Michael Elgin is the new ROH Champion?..Ewwww.


Ew indeed and nice avatar. :)

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I've seen one match involving Elgin, and it totally soured me on him. It was the 3 way between him, AJ Styles, & Okada. Nevermind the fact that he looked totally out of place next to arguably the two best wrestlers on the planet, but his story in the match involved getting his knee hurt. But he completely no sold it at multiple points throughout the match. I'm not sure if that's a recurring thing with him, but it stuck out to me.

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I've never got the hype around Elgin. I've seen him wrestle for the last 3 or 4 years and aside from the delayed vertical suplex he hasn't really done anything special. He's best in short matches, or matches with smaller guys. Any longer than 7-12 minutes and it turns into a really bad indy-puroresu match. Pretty much the same problem Davey Richards had.


Exactly. Elgin is waaaay too repetetive. Great wrestlers can do their moves over and over again and still make the match feel fresh, Elgin has the exact same match everytime he steps into the ring and it's just boring and no amount of moves can change that imo.


So, Michael Elgin is the new ROH Champion?..Ewwww.


Ew indeed and nice avatar. :)



Thanks brogod.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow, that promo was great. Honestly didn't know Adam Cole could cut a promo like that.

He's capable of delivering great promos. It's not ROH, but if you haven't seen his PWG promo before BOLA 2012 I recommend it. I've actually heard that this promo is the reason why Super Dragon booked Cole to win BOLA that year


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  • 8 months later...

Nakamaura was announced for the NJPW/ROH shows which makes the final list:

Stars signed to appear



- Kazuchika OKADA

- Jushin Thunder LIGER

- Tetsuya NAITO

- Takaaki WATANABE

- Kushida

- Nakamaura


The shows in Phili are on a Tuesday and Wednesday. I really hope they do Joe v Nakamaura.

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Glad somebody finally bumped this. I started watching about a month ago and I had no where to discuss it.


Ever since I saw BJ Whitmer vs Roderick Strong at the 13th Anniversary I was like *Censored* these guys. Hate them both. Elgin too.


Anyways I guess there's a delay on taping because I saw Supercard of Honor 2 weeks ago, and the site I go on just posted the show before the PPV. It's so confusing.

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Guest Fight Me.

Yeah, the shows have always been behind the PPVs. Or at least they have been for a while now. It's kinda annoying, which is why I only watch the PPVs now. That and I love ROH but I don't think I could watch every single week without it losing it's magic. But once a month? Yeah, I can definitely do that.

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