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11th Doctor (Doctor Who)


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I have no pictures at the moment but i promise you it is worth making


Name: The Doctor

HUD Name: The Doctor

Announcer Introduction: John

Hometown: Parts Unknown

Weight: Anywhere in the Light Heavyweight section


Head: 18, 6, 10

Forehead: 36, 3, 20, 14


Eyebrows:-36, -55, -31, -23

Eyes: -15, -20, 23, 39, -31, -31, -39

Nose: -13, 56, 23, -38, 23, 23, -11, -16

Cheeks: -47, 39, -55, -39

Mouth: -52, 4, -3, -37, 44, -100, 1

Jaw: 20, 5, -15, -5, -15, -31

Ears: 61, -30, 42, 13


Hair: 18/50 | 89, -3, -11

Eyes: 1/8 | 100, 0, -32

Eyebrows: 42/54 | 85, -17, 10

Lips: 1/45 | 96, 6, 7

Skin Tone: 8/12

Eye Lashes: 21/21


Body Type: 0

Advanced Options

Neck: 26, -12, -1

Chest: 15, -36, -20

Shoulder: -8, 16, -7

Abdomen: 10, -4, 8

Waist: -3, -36

Arms: 26, -12, -10

Hands: 6, -11, 0

Legs: 21, -19, -7

Feet: -3, 10, 12


Body Skin: 5/9 | 88, -1, 5

Body Height: 6'1"


Arm Accessories: 3/11 | -100, -100, 0

Shoes: 23/29

Men's Clothes: 10/31 | -55, -81, 27, 100, 100 | Stylize: Skintight, Tucked-In

Jackets: 1/20 | Stylize: Unbuttoned

Men's Bottoms: 29/34 | -13, -77, -56


Crowd Signs

Sign 1: 4/22 | Jolly Good Show (English Show)

Sign 2: 5/22 | That's Not Cool (Bow-Tie)

Sign 3: 8/22 | Code of Silence (The Silence is Coming)

Sign 4: 5/22 | I'm Gonna Getcha (Time Travel)

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