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CAWS from the Dark Side


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While I don't put out even a fraction of the output of original CAWS as some of the more known members here, I do have a handful of characters I update year to year. And here's where you'll see them all. To start things off, I give you the entrances to my two male characters from Thr33x and Oz70NYC's XWA E-Fed.


Dan Ripley's Tags:
Dan Ripley, Lordvader66, XWA 2011

Dan Ripley was originally created in 2009 as a character for me to use on XWA's Takedown Brand. His initial basis was inspired by Jack Swagger, Dolph Ziggler, and XWA's longest standing Heel of all Heels, Scott O'Dell. Since then, I've added a few more elements to the character to kinda make him stand out amongst the other heels of XWA. His gimmick can be best described in his catch phrase "I'm Dan Ripley, and I'm better then you." Ripley's been a winner his entire life. From being All-State in Wrestling and Basketball in High School, to being Big East Player of The Year, NCAA Amateur Wrestling Runner Up and Champion at Seton Hall University, to working for Conde-Nast Corporation while building his own athletic consultation firm ON TOP of wrestling on the side. Ripley is the picture perfect example of a guy who believes he's the best thing...period. 2011's Ripley will see a new element added to the character, a bonafide mean streak. He's always been the arrogant, borderline comedic type heel, but this year I plan on letting loose a little and showing a darker side to Dan. He'll still have the comedic stuff going, because that's just how I roll. But expect to see a lot more aggression from him in XWA's 2011 season.

Dan Ripley's Entrance Theme
"Spit Flames" By WHPBeats.com http://www.supload.com/listen?s=Rrt7j0

!!!JONNY PUNCH!!!'s Tags:
!!!JONNY PUNCH!!!, Lordvader66, XWA 2011

Ah, Jonny Punch. My flagship character. One of the most infamous creations ever to grace an E-fed of any type. Punchy's premise? Be offensive. And I don't mean the slightly uncomfortable offensive. I mean the send me PMs calling me all kinds of dirty names offensive. There's no doubt...!!!JONNY PUNCH!!! could piss a Happy Meal off. When I 1st made him, he was pretty much created for the sole purpose of pissing a handful of people off specifically. And to that end, he did his job flawlessly. But then something strange happened. People started liking him. I began to notice my posts with him where getting hundreds of views a pop. That's when I realized I had a gold mine in him. Punch is pretty much an extension of my own twisted, warped, perverted, obscene mind. So in text, what you read from Punch's "lips" is usually exactly what I would say in the given situation. Since his initial creation in 2008, I've toned down the offensiveness of Punch considerably, seeing as a lot of the old school beef I had with people has been squashed. But Punch is still in every way a completely comedic character, and when pushed won't hesitate to make another character cry. But the humor behind Punch isn't just his perverse antics and color language. It's the fact that I'll pretty much do ANYTHING to him. He's had a Port-A-Potty tipped over on him...with him still in it. He's dressed in drag to try and sneak into a female only meeting. He's shot himself out of a cannon across the Hudson River. All kinds of completely ridiculous stuff. And in 2011, it'll be even more outlandish as I've already cooked up some interesting situations to role play him in.

!!!JONNY PUNCH!!!'s Entrance Theme
"Lessons" By R.A. Tha' Rugged Man (Copyrighted music, but I'm sure you can find it on the net)
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The funnest part of running XWA is seeing the gradual evolution of the characters year to year. Your guys are prime example of that. When you 1st brought Punch in, he kinda looked like he robbed Keith Flint's closet for wrestling gear. Then he went with the Punk Rocker look for 2009 and 2010. Now he's got the whole Sandman/Keith Stone thing going, and it works for him. Awesome job with the PT designs as well. The Pedo Bear logos you made are freakin' priceless. :P

As for Ripley, again...his evolution as a CAW and a character has been fun to watch. This year's Ripley looks like a straight up bad ass. I like what you did with his attires, giving him 4 different looks, but staying uniform with the Seton Hall color scheme. You, like a few of the other guys on the board like MG, Mark Spirals and LevelX82, have put in the work over the years to become better CAW creators, and it shows in what you guys are making now compared to how your guys looked when you 1st started out. Lookin' forward to the completed versions of Okami and Bull, my friend.
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Awesome work. I see a little bit of Kaval in Dan Ripley's jacket design, although Idk if it was like that before Kaval & his jacket. I also like the fact that he has that sinister feel to him like Drew McIntyre. For his entrance, may I suggest trying out Triple H or HBK DX Intro (Before he walks out). Maybe it might help, I imagine it might help with that "Sinister" effect like with McIntyre's entrance.

As for Punch, Bonafide badass. I like his shirt, it adds to the comedyness of his character. And the logo on his hat, is that PT?
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