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"Here Comes the Money"


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Since you're a veteran CAWer, I won't sugar coat this. I'm not seeing it. If there wasn't the title, I wouldn't know who it was.

I'd used the first hair, looks more accurate imo.

I'd change the eyebrows or make custom ones, his are much more full than the ones you currently have.

His lips look purple in your pic, might just be the pic though.

- Reduce jaw height.
- Reduce nose height.
- Increase nostril height a tad.
- Reduce eye y-axis.
- Reduce eye height.
- Maybe increase jaw outline, you'd have to wait to see after you decrease the height.

Here's another ref if you need it, it's a younger pic.
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looking at current picture.

change skin tome. doesn't look right.
eyebrows: change the reference picture has longer eye brows.
nostril width and height are perfect.
the width of the upper nose is still too much.
lips thinner and a bit wider. also redder colouring.
ears a little bit bigger.
a little more height on the mouth... not much though.
make the jaw longer it might be less accurate to the ref pic but would get rid of that annoying dimple that appears whenthe mouth is low and the jaw is high.
facial hair, just a bit but with a lot of transparancy.
makeup, just a slight reddening of the cheeks but again lots of transparancy.
little bit of width to the head.

have you considered a different hair, the one you are using is great but an alt may be the sweapt back hair.
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