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[quote]But if you get this locked, i will unrelentingly cut out your intestines and make a noose of them, then make large cuts through all of your minor arteries and let you slowly choke/bleed to death. And while you're hung up, still barely alive I will bring your family to you and kill them in twisted, excruciating ways, and while they're begging for mercy you will know that it is [i]all your fault[/i]. [/quote]

Alright, look here. I don't know who locked 1000 pages, it was probably one of you aussie mods. But you're feeding the trolls. Re-open 1000 pages now. It got closed because of some silly in-joke that went too far, with mods deleting posts left right and centre. They wouldn't have even gone that far if you had left the posts until they were offline, then deleted it. So in conclusion 1000pages reopened. Now. And yes, Teh interwebz iz srs bsns.

[center][i]Hell hath no fury as a metalhead terrorist's scorn[/i][/center]
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