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TNA iMPACT Cross the Line (New Info + Pictures)

Sir Nightwing

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[IMG]http://www.southpeakgames.com/sp-admin/sites/default/files/large_box/psp/Bx_TNA_PSP_L.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://media.ign.com/games/image/object/045/045434/TNA-Impact-Cross-the-Line_NDS_US_ESRBboxart_160w.jpg[/IMG]


TNA iMPACT cross the line will be available for Nintendo DS, and Sony PSP/Go. It will be released June 22 for DS, and later in the summer of 2010 for PSP. Hulk Hogan will only be for DS.

[b][u]Screenshots (DS)[/u][/b]
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i haven't a clue, never herd of them before now so i don't really know.
lets hope they do a better job then midway allthough i enjoyed the game
they produced, it sucked that everyone had same movesets and some peoples
finishers weren't right either.
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[quote name='bKo' date='13 November 2009 - 04:53 PM' timestamp='1258152793' post='6849956']
I was just looking through the games they had made on wikipedia, and I only recolonised 3 of them and none of them were participially any good, nor really worth the mention.

I agree with you. I too had went on wikipedia to look at some of the game it had mention and the majority of their games got about a 6/10 or lower. (With the exception of that Ninja game for DS that got some very good ratings)

I just hope they do a better job then Midway by fixing there mistakes and adding things to make the game's fun last longer then a couple days.
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  • 2 months later...
[quote name='CAW maker UK 2' date='27 January 2010 - 07:13 AM' timestamp='1264598003' post='7039149']
Meh, wrestling games, and fighting games in general, just don't work on handhelds IMO.

And given that TNA iMPACT wasn't that good, I doubt I'll bother with iMPACT 2 unless they bring it on 360 and it gets decent reviews, even then I'll rent it first rather than spend £40 on it.
I did a bit info since then on this game, and its not actually a sequel, its just a added on version to the original impact game with a few changes since Midway had a psp iMPACT game in production they just had never published it with any of the other impact games. Full metal mayhem match and a canadian ring are a couple of the very tiny features added.
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Meh, ive never heard of that developer either tbh. Also it being an add on, and handheld version only does nothing at all for me. I never even played TNA iMPACT due to the universal slating it got once released...and initially i thought it was gonna be great too..well, i think most people did lol.
Im still hoping they get someone solid to develop a full TNA iMPACT 2, or even a totally new legends game for PS3 & 360 so it adds a bit of spice to the wrestling game world. Its never a good thing when there's just one developer holding all the cards on a certain game type. They rarely feel the pressure to work hard to improve things each year and the games generally become stagnant and same old. I cross my fingers that something turns up in the not too distant future because it can only be a good thing.
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  • 1 month later...
I would really love a TNA game for psp. 2010 for the psp has gotten really boring with the lack of features. I'm wondering on whether this game will feature the new 4 sided ring and delete the models of Senshi, Booker T, Scott Steiner, etc. I just sort of want a simple game to play during car rides and plane rides and stuff.
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  • 4 weeks later...
too bad they cant give us what was suppossed been in tna impact 1 n put it out on 360 n ps3 . cus impact if it had what it was suppossed to of plus a full caw roster could have helped tna n given svr a kick in the arse. now i just hope hereos del ring dont go the route of impact 1 n im not sure bout 2 since i wanna play on my tv n not portable.
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This game is basically a left over/watered down ps2 port of TNA Impact! Midway had originally planned for TNA Impact to be released on PS3, Xbox 360, Wii, PS2, PSP and DS to go head to head with the WWE games but i guess they were running low on funds or time or something and just scrapped the PSP and DS version of TNA Impact! I believe Midway has gone bankrupt or something like that and southpeak games won the rights to put out more TNA games and now for some extra $$$ southpeak is bringing out the two scrapped versions.
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
bump for update

Mick Foley and Hulk Hogan seem to be on the DS version and the DS version has an updated look to the characters (somewhat) rather than the PSP version which looks like a mini ps2 version with no changes to the looks of the roster.

So I think I might pick up a copy of the DS version ONLY if it has more newer people if not looks like I will continue with my svr09 roster I have.
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  • 3 weeks later...


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