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Weird Controls


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While, I may be a bit behind the times, I finally decided to switch over from 2006 and go all the over to 2009. I was expecting some differences, sure and it's not even the Ultimate Control part, I did play 2007 for a while, so I know about it. But it feels so darned awkward to use the new controls. I can't move around and grapple at the same time, running even feels like a hassle...in fact most of the controls feel sloppy to use.

Did you guys feel the same way, or is it just going to take a while to get used to?
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My PS2 doesn't have the online piece, usually I just play with friends over. Anyways, it's not just the submission system, it's the grappling system combined with the ultimate control system. It's a total rearrangement of controls where stuff used to be. It's just very uncomfortable to use, I feel like I need an extra hand to play it properly.
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