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Hart Foundation by WolfgangJT/Bhangra_Man/Kung Fu


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[color="#FF00FF"][size=6][b]The Hart Foundation[/b][/size][/color]

Bret "The Hitman" Hart
by Bhangra_Man


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"Thanks to Wolfie for idea directions for face and attire finalization and thanks to Kung and Wolfie for general advice."

Face help pic:

Hart Logo:

Face type 6 then delete everything then

Head Morphing: 23, -1, 16
Forehead: -63, -81, -56, -31

Face Morphing:
Eyebrows: -96, -29, -88, -3
Eyes: -23, -16, -21, -85, 8, -50,-20
Nose: 0, 9, 100, -10, -33, -63, 18, 18
Cheeks: -69, 31, 25, 12
Mouth: 28, -49, 16, -17, 28, 20, -19
Jaw: -24, -12, -7, 18, -23, -28
Ears: 10, -10, 10, 20
Skin Aging 26
Body Type: 4
Body Morphing:
Neck: 1, 6, -4
Chest: -26, -17, 20
Shoulders: 0, -3, -29
Abdomen: 0, 15, 17
Waist: 10,0
Arms: -49, -3, 0
Hands: 3, 2, 4
Legs: 7, -7, 7
Feet: 2, 6, 9
Height: 181cm.(matches up to around matt hardy height in game)

1.)Definition: 1
2.)Skin Tone: 12: (92, -4,-1, 7)
3.)Eye Type: 3: 90,-40,-18
4.)Eyebrows: 12 (86, -8, 10)
5.)Eyelashes: 15 (100,0,10)
6.)Lips: 13: (-95, -4, 0)
7.)Teeth: default
8.)Hair: 27 (87,0,-14,0)
9.) Wrestling Attire 3, (-13,-100,-55,100) * Move to be before underwear*
10.)Underwear 5 (stylize the highest ones): -70, -23, -3 *this helps with leg designs squaring off level with the top of tights.
11.)Face Paint: 84, (92, 9, 60, 15)
12.)Face make up: 28, (92, -28, -22, 81)
13.)Face marks/scars: 1,(92, -45, -4, 57)
14. Face marks/scars: 19, (92, -32, -2, 100)
15.)Face: Design symbol: 93, rotate twice, second biggest horizontal and vertical, place on nose, see help pic, (93, -58, 45, 39)
16.)Face: Design symbol: 146, rotate twice, smallest horizontal, second biggest vertical, place on nose, see help pic, (93, -58, 45, 37)
17.)Face: Signs Page 1: fourth row, third column, the “(“, rotate three times, biggest horizontal and vertical, place above his right eye, see help pic, (90, -42, -56, 19)
18.)Face: Signs Page 1: fourth row, third column, the “(“, rotate three times, biggest horizontal and vertical, place above his left eye, see help pic, (91, -42, -56, 09)
19.)Face: Design symbol: 93, rotate twice, second biggest horizontal, second smallest vertical, place on upper mouth, see help pic, (92, -66, 3, 4)
20.)Face: Design symbol: 93, rotate twice, second biggest horizontal, second smallest vertical, place on upper mouth, see help pic, (92, -51, -5, 8)
21.)Face: Letters Alphabet Page 2: fourth row, fourth column, the “v“, rotate, second biggest horizontal, second smallest vertical, place on center of upper lip, see help pic, (90, -42, -56, 19)
22.)to make eyebrows darker, design 99,rotate 1*,second smallest horizontal,
second biggest vertical, place on eyebrow on inner area, (93,-100,-46, 12)
23.)same as above but for other eyebrow, (93, -100, -46, 15)
24.)Face: Design symbol: 138, second smallest horizontal and vertical, place on lip cleft, see help pic, (92, -66, 30, 44)
25.)Face: Design symbol: 138, smallest horizontal, second smallest vertical, place on lip cleft, see help pic, (92, -66, -2, 6)
26.)face design 4, biggest vertical,smallest horizontal, place as in pic,(88,-34,-37,100)
27) face design,7 , rotate 1*,smallest horizontal,second smallest vertical,(88,0,-40,100)
28.)face design 7 rotate 1*,second smallest vertical, smallest horizontal,(92,0,-24,100)
29.)face design 7, rotate 1*,smallest horizontal,biggest vertical,(85,-77,-33,100)
30.)Face: Design symbol: 142, smallest horizontal, second smallest vertical, place on tip of nose, see help pic, (92, -61, 43, 100)
31.)wrestling tights 1, (-70,-23,25,100,100)
32.)wrestling tights designs (leg paint) 144...make white
33) wrestling tights designs (leg paint) 5...make white
34) Torso>Flags>Japanese Flag, rotate once, make 1 less horizontal from default size, largest vertical and place on center on white areas on leg matching to top of tights...make black
35) Leg>Flags>Japanese Flag, rotate once, make 1 less horizontal from default size, largest
vertical and place on center on white areas on leg matching to top of tights make black but place behind kneepad
36-37) repeat 34 and 35 on other leg
38)Torso>Symbols 103, make one less horizontal from default size, largest vertical then make white and place in center inside the black flag making it now a white stripe with 2 black lines on the outside on top of the flame design on leg

39) Leg> Sumbols 103: make one less horizontal from default size, largest vertical then make white and place in center inside the black flag making it now a white stripe with 2 black lines on the outside on top of the flame design on leg and this time place behind kneepad
40-41) repeat on other leg
42) Torso>Symbols 103, smallest horizontal, largest vertical...and center inside the white making it now 2 black lines with white lines with pink insides
43) Leg>Symbols 103, make smallest horizontal, largest vertical
, largest vert...make same pink a tights (note...pinks of the Hart logo start w/ -70, so start all pinks including tights with that) and center inside the white making it now 2 black lines w/ white lines w/pink insides (place behind kneepad and after #4)
44-45) repeat on other leg

46)WWE 70: Largest Horizontal, , second largest vertical : -100, -100, 0, 100 see help pic
47)Design 93: Second Smallest Horizontal, , Smallest Vertical : -70, -1, 52, 100 see help pic
48)Design 138: Largest Horizontal, Second largest vertical : match to the black of attire see help pic
49)Design 120: Second Smallest Horizontal, Smallest vertical, : 100, 0, 27, 100 see help pic
50)Design 138: Largest Horizontal, , second largest vertical: match to the black of attire see help pic
51)Design 113: Smallest Horizontal and vertical, 87, -100, 7, 100 see help pic
52)Alphabet Page 2, lower case V: Second smallest horizontal, smallest vertical, -70, 0, 0, 100 see help pic
53-56) Place 4 of these as in normal attire pics for hearts like design on leg on right leg
Legs > Alphabet page 3: the V, smallest vertical and second largest horizontal, make black

57) kneepads: 15, -70, -35, 25,100 : Remember to make sure kneepads come after all the leg designs on tights are complete
58.) Boots 29, 1st color make white
2nd color make black

59) Elbow pads: 1, make black
60) wristbands 15, (-69, -81,36,100)
61) Sunglasses : 17

"The King of Harts" Owen Hart
by WolfgangJT


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"The King of Harts" Owen Hart - 2x Slammy Winner attire
By WolfgangJT


Help Pics:

**NOTE: Make sure you have everything in the order that is in the formula. Parts of the attire do require some changing of places in the list to work. Also note that afterwards, the underwear will disappear while adding things like designs, etc. You can get it to show again by simply going to the selection, change the type down one then back up, then re-do the color. You may have to do this several times for design placements, then again at the end before saving the final caw.

Face template 1, delete all unneeded layers.

Head Morphing: 32, 25, -38
Forehead: -26, -24, -31, 16

Face Morphing:
Eyebrows: -100, 18, -56, -53
Eyes: -13, 1, -38, -35, 31, -7, -11
Nose: 0, -81, 8, 6, -34, -12, 28, -24
Cheeks: -51, -96, 12, -3
Mouth: 92, -47, -52, -46, 19, 37, -4
Jaw: -60, -17, -6, 21, -75, -100
Ears: 0, 0, 0, 0
Skin Aging: 16

Body Type: 0
Body Morphing:
Neck: -55, 7, 22
Chest: 1, -15, 11
Shoulders: 5, 5, -51
Abdomen: -54, 28, -1
Waist: 19, 0
Arms: -34, -24, 0
Hands: 0, 0, 0
Legs: -17, -5, 0
Feet: 0, 0, 0
Height: 178cm

1. Definition 5
2. Skin Tone 6: 89, 0, 0, -100
3. Eye Type 1: 13, 0, 0
4. Eyebrows 21: 87, 0, 0
5. Eyelashes 1
6. Lips 13: -98, 0, -1
7. Teeth: default
8. Hair 15: 81, -11, 19
9. Wrestling Attire 1: -100, -100, -80
10. Underwear 22: -70, -1, 11
11. Face Paint 67: 90, 35, 53, 25
12. Head>Skin>Marks/Scars 1: 91, -48, 14, 100
13. Head>Skin>Marks/Scars 19: 91, -18, 0, 77
14. Makeup 11 (default stylized): 91, -4, 28, 36
15: Underwear 3 (stylize to the shorter blue ones): -13, -100, -76, 100
16. Torso>Back>Symbol 103, rotate once, largest H, smallest V, place as seen in help pics: -18, -100, -30, 100
17. Torso>Back>Symbol 103, rotate once, largest H, smallest V, place as seen in help pics: -18, -100, -30, 100
18. Torso>Front>Symbol 95, rotate once, largest H, 2nd smallest V, place as seen in help pics: 80, -32, -2, 86
19. Torso>Back>Symbol 95, rotate once, largest H, 2nd smallest V, place as seen in help pics: 80, -32, -2, 86
20. Legs>Right Leg>Symbol 103, rotate once, largest H, 2nd smallest V, place as seen in help pics: -18, -100, -35, 100
21. Legs>Right Leg>Symbol 103, rotate once, largest H, 2nd smallest V, place as seen in help pics: -18, -100, -35, 100
22. Torso>Front>Logos>WWE 99, rotate twice, largest H, 2nd smallest V, place as seen in help pics: -57, -100, -28, 100
23. Legs>Left Leg>Symbol 103, rotate once, largest H, 2nd smallest V, place as seen in help pics: -18, -100, -35, 100
24. Legs>Left Leg>Symbol 103, rotate once, largest H, 2nd smallest V, place as seen in help pics: -18, -100, -35, 100
25. Torso>Front>Logos>WWE 99, rotate twice, largest H, 2nd smallest V, place as seen in help pics: -57, -100, -28, 100
26. Torso>Front>Logos>WWE 70: Largest H, 2nd Largest V, place as seen in help pics: -100, -100, 0, 100
27. Torso>Front>Symbol 93: 2nd Smallest H, Smallest V, place as seen in help pics: -70, -1, 52, 100
28. Torso>Front>Symbol 138: Largest H, 2nd Largest V, place as seen in help pics: -18, -100, -35, 100
29. Torso>Front>Symbol 120: 2nd Smallest H, Smallest V, place as seen in help pics: 100, 0, 27, 100
30. Torso>Front>Symbol 138: Largest H, 2nd Largest V, place as seen in help pics: -18, -100, -35, 100
31. Torso>Front>Symbol 113: Smallest H & V, place as seen in help pics: 87, -100, 7, 100
32. Torso>Front>Letters>Alphabet Page 2, lower case V: 2nd Smallest H, Smallest V, place as seen in help pics: -70, 0, 0, 100
33. Head>Tattoos>Symbol 93, rotate twice, largest H & V, place as seen in help pics: 91, -61, 30, 20
34. Torso>Front>Letters>Numeral Page 8, the first 2, 2nd largest H, 2nd smallest V, place as seen in help pics: -70, 15, 11, 100
35. Torso>Front>Letters>Alphabet Page 4, the x, rotate once, 2nd largest H, 2nd smallest V, place as seen in help pics: -70, 0, 3, 100
36. Torso>Front>Logos>WWE 13: 2nd smallest H, smallest V, place as seen in help pics: -70, 12, -3, 100
37. Torso>Front>Logos>WWE 13: rotate once, 2nd smallest H, smallest V, place as seen in help pics: -70, 7, -3, 100
38. Torso>Front>Logos>WWE 13: 2nd smallest H, smallest V, place as seen in help pics: 72, -60, -32, 100
39. Torso>Front>Logos>WWE 13: rotate once, 2nd smallest H, smallest V, place as seen in help pics: 72, -60, -32, 100
40. Torso>Front>Symbol 138, rotate once, largest H, smallest V, place as seen in help pics: -18, -100, -31, 100
41. Torso>Rear>Logos>WWE 13: 2nd smallest H, smallest V, place as seen in help pics: -70, 12, -3, 100
42. Torso>Rear>Logos>WWE 13: rotate three times, 2nd smallest H, smallest V, place as seen in help pics: -70, 7, -3, 100
43. Torso>Rear>Logos>WWE 13: 2nd smallest H, smallest V, place as seen in help pics: 72, -60, -32, 100
44. Torso>Rear>Logos>WWE 13: rotate three times, 2nd smallest H, smallest V, place as seen in help pics: 72, -60, -32, 100
45. Torso>Rear>Symbol 138, rotate three times, largest H, smallest V, place as seen in help pics: -18, -100, -31, 100
46. Torso>Front>Letters>Numeral Page 8, the first 2, 2nd largest H, 2nd smallest V, place as seen in help pics: -70, 15, 11, 100
47. Torso>Front>Letters>Alphabet Page 4, the x, rotate once, 2nd largest H, 2nd smallest V, place as seen in help pics: -70, 0, 3, 100
48. Torso>Front>Logos>WWE 13: 2nd smallest H, smallest V, place as seen in help pics: -70, 12, -3, 100
49. Torso>Front>Logos>WWE 13: rotate three times, 2nd smallest H, smallest V, place as seen in help pics: -70, 7, -3, 100
50. Torso>Front>Logos>WWE 13: 2nd smallest H, smallest V, place as seen in help pics: 72, -60, -32, 100
51. Torso>Front>Logos>WWE 13: rotate three times, 2nd smallest H, smallest V, place as seen in help pics: 72, -60, -32, 100
52. Torso>Front>Symbol 138, rotate three times, largest H, smallest V, place as seen in help pics: -18, -100, -31, 100
53. Torso>Rear>Logos>WWE 13: 2nd smallest H, smallest V, place as seen in help pics: -70, 12, -3, 100
54. Torso>Rear>Logos>WWE 13: rotate once, 2nd smallest H, smallest V, place as seen in help pics: -70, 7, -3, 100
55. Torso>Rear>Logos>WWE 13: 2nd smallest H, smallest V, place as seen in help pics: 72, -60, -32, 100
56. Torso>Rear>Logos>WWE 13: rotate once, 2nd smallest H, smallest V, place as seen in help pics: 72, -60, -32, 100
57. Torso>Rear>Symbol 138, rotate once, largest H, smallest V, place as seen in help pics: -18, -100, -31, 100
58. Knee Pads 3: -13, -100, -72, 100
59. Facial Hair>Templates 16: 85, 0, 0, 0
60. Boots 1 (stylize to the medium length ones): -23, -100, -5
61. Head>Tattoos>Letters>Alphabet Page 17, the v, largest H & V, place as seen in help pics: 91, -48, 10, 79
62. Legs>Right Leg>Symbol 130, 2nd smallest H, smallest V, place on boots as seen in help pics: -66, 0, 25, 100
63. Legs>Left Leg>Symbol 130, 2nd smallest H, smallest V, place on boots as seen in help pics: -66, 0, 25, 100

"The Loose Cannon" Brian Pillman
by WolfgangJT


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"The Loose Cannon" Brian Pillman - Hart Foundation casual attire
By WolfgangJT


Help Pics:

Face template 2, delete all unneeded layers.

Head Morphing: -24, 12, 6
Forehead: 0, 15, 17, -20

Face Morphing:
Eyebrows: -100, 56, -20, -12
Eyes: 5, 21, -17, 27, 11, -32, -5
Nose: 8, -40, 97, -24, -3, -45, 20, 12
Cheeks: -19, -59, 17, 10
Mouth: -15, -65, -3, 5, -14, -30, -30
Jaw: -15, 12, 23, -20, 9, 0
Ears: 10, 10, 20, 0
Skin Aging: 15

Body Type: 0
Body Morphing:
Neck: -34, -5, -2
Chest: -4, 3, 4
Shoulders: 0, 3, 0
Abdomen: -3, 0, 14
Waist: 7, 9
Arms: -21, -17, 0
Hands: 0, 0, 0
Legs: -5, 0, 2
Feet: -5, 2, 3
Height: 187cm

1. Definition 1
2. Skin Tone 2: 89, 3, -3, -33
3. Eye Type 6: 39, -25, -38
4. Eyebrows 7: 85, -14, 14
5. Eyelashes 4: 86, 0, 0
6. Lips 13: 100, 6, -7
7. Teeth: default
8. Hair 27: 82, 10, 21, 0
9. Underwear 6 (color doesn't matter)
10. Head>Face>Tattoos>Symbol 93, rotate twice, 2nd largest H & V, place as seen in help pics: 89, -38, 5, 1
11. Head>Face>Tattoos>Symbols 100, 2nd smallest H & V, place as seen in help pics: 89, -51, 34, 69
12. Head>Face>Tattoos>Symbol 93, rotate twice, 2nd smallest H & V, place as seen in help pics: 89, -38, 5, 1
13. Head>Face>Tattoos>Symbols 100, rotate once, 2nd smallest H & V, place as seen in help pics: 89, -51, 34, 69
14. Facial Hair>Mustache 12: 90, 44, 21, 51
15: Head>Face>Tattoos>Symbols 102, largest H, smallest V, place as seen in help pics: 89, -51, 34, 56
16. Facial Hair>Template 12: 89, 7, 10, 100
17. Facial Hair>Template 13: 86, 0, -7, 0
18. Face Paint 84: 89, 32, 39, 30
19. Wrestling Attire 6: -13, -100, -67, 100 * this is to help the open belly of the shirt with the "vest" on.
20. Facial Hair>Sideburns 10: 86, 0, 0, 0
21. Boots/Shoes 10: 100, 0, 0
22. Bottoms 16 (default stylized): -16, -100, -35
23. Tops 19 (default stylized, tucked in): -13, -100, -63
24. Tops 59 (tucked out): 100 , -100, -73 *set as entrance only if you don't want the vest on during match so the Hitman shirt fully shows...don't if you want the vest to stay
25. Head>Skin>Marks/Scars 1: 89, -33, 25, 50
26. Head>Skin>Marks/Scars 19: 89, -21, -35, 46
27. Torso>Front>Symbol 138: rotate once, 2nd Largest H, Largest V, place as seen in help pics -8, -100, -19, 100
28. Torso>Front>Symbol 138: rotate three times, Largest H & V, place as seen in help pics -8, -100, -19, 100
29. Torso>Front>Symbol 103: 2nd largest H & smallest V, place as seen in help pics -8, -100, -19, 100
30. Makeup 1 (default stylized): 87, 0, 0, 3
31. Torso>Front>Logos>WWE 70: largest H & V, place as seen in help pics: -70, 0, 100, 100
32. Torso>Front>Logos>WWE 70: largest H & V, place as seen in help pics: -70, 0, 100, 100
33. Torso>Front>Symbols 93: rotate three times, largest H, smallest V, place as seen in help pics: -18, -100, -21, 100
34. Torso>Front>Symbols 148: 2nd largest H & V, place as seen in help pics: -18, -100, -18, 100
35. Torso>Front>Symbols 93: largest H, 2nd smallest V, place as seen in help pics: -18, -100, 59, 100
36. Torso>Front>Symbols 93: rotate three times, largest H, smallest V, place as seen in help pics: -18, -100, -24, 100
37. Torso>Front>Symbols 93: largest H, 2nd smallest V, place as seen in help pics: -18, -100, 59, 100
38. Torso>Front>Symbols 93: largest H, 2nd smallest V, place as seen in help pics: -18, -100, -14, 100
39. Torso>Front>Symbols 93: 2nd smallest H, smallest V, place as seen in help pics: -70, -34, 100, 78
40. Torso>Front>Logos>WWE 14: 2nd largest H, smallest V, place as seen in help pics: 100, -100, 19, 100
41. Torso>Front>Logos>WWE 14: 2nd largest H, smallest V, place as seen in help pics: 100, -100, 19, 100
42. Torso>Front>Symbols 146, rotate once, 2nd largest H, 2nd smallest V, place as seen in help pics: -18, -100, -22, 100
43. Torso>Front>Symbols 146, rotate three times, 2nd largest H, 2nd smallest V, place as seen in help pics: -18, -100, -22, 100
44. Torso>Front>Logos>WWE 90: largest H, smallest V, place as seen in help pics: 100, -100, 0, 85
45. Torso>Front>Symbols 98, rotate once, 2nd largest H, smallest V, place as seen in help pics: -18, -100, -14, 100
46. Torso>Front>Symbols 98, 2nd largest H, smallest V, place as seen in help pics: -18, -100, -14, 100
47. Torso>Front>Symbols 93: 2nd largest H, smallest V, place as seen in help pics: -18, -100, -14, 100
48. Torso>Front>Symbols 113: 2nd smallest H, smallest V, place as seen in help pics: 87, -100, 7, 100
49. Torso>Front>Letters>Alphabet Page 15, v, 2nd largest H, smallest V, place as seen in help pics: -25, -100, 16, 100
50. Torso>Front>Symbols 103, 2nd largest H, smallest V, place as seen in help pics: -18, -100, -33, 100 *set as entrance only if you don't want the vest on during match so the Hitman shirt fully shows...don't if you want the vest to stay
51. Torso>Front>Symbols 103, largest H & V, place as seen in help pics: -18, -100, -33, 100 *set as entrance only if you don't want the vest on during match so the Hitman shirt fully shows...don't if you want the vest to stay
52. Torso>Front>Symbols 146, rotate three times, 2nd largest H & V, place as seen in help pics: -18, -100, -33, 100 *set as entrance only if you don't want the vest on during match so the Hitman shirt fully shows...don't if you want the vest to stay
53. Torso>Front>Symbols 103, largest H & V, place as seen in help pics: -18, -100, -33, 100 *set as entrance only if you don't want the vest on during match so the Hitman shirt fully shows...don't if you want the vest to stay
54. Torso>Front>Symbols 146, rotate once, 2nd largest H, largest V, place as seen in help pics: -18, -100, -33, 100 *set as entrance only if you don't want the vest on during match so the Hitman shirt fully shows...don't if you want the vest to stay
55. Torso>Front>Letters>Signs Page 1, 1st row, 6th column, rotate once, largest H & V, place as seen in help pics: -25, -100, -40, 100 *set as entrance only if you don't want the vest on during match so the Hitman shirt fully shows...don't if you want the vest to stay
56. Torso>Front>Letters>Signs Page 1, 1st row, 6th column, rotate once, largest H & V, place as seen in help pics: -25, -100, -40, 100 *set as entrance only if you don't want the vest on during match so the Hitman shirt fully shows...don't if you want the vest to stay
57. Head>Face>Tattoos>Symbol 135, smallest H, 2nd smallest V, place as seen in help pics: 98, 25, -48, 16
58. Head>Face>Tattoos>Symbol 135, smallest H, 2nd smallest V, place as seen in help pics: 98, 25, -42, 16
59. Head>Face>Tattoos>Symbol 97, rotate once, 2nd largest H & V, place as seen in help pics: 89, -36, 5, 35
60. Head>Face>Tattoos>Symbol 97, rotate once, 2nd largest H & V, place as seen in help pics: 89, -48, 24, 49
61. Head>Face>Tattoos>Symbol 138, rotate twice, 2nd largest H, smallest V, place as seen in help pics: 89, -48, 29, 23
62. Head>Face>Tattoos>Symbol 138, rotate twice, largest H, smallest V, place as seen in help pics: 89, -52, 38, 32
63. Head>Face>Symbols 146, 2nd largest H, 2nd smallest V, place as seen in help pics: 89, -55, 34, 64

Kung Fu's:
Jim "Anvil" Neidhart
by Kung Fu

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Jim Neidhart,
By Kung Fu,

Help Pics,

Start with face Template 2

-Head Morphing-
Head: 10, 10, 20
Forehead: 0, -50, -30, -30

-Face Morphing-
Eyebrows: -100, 30, -100, 30
Eyes: 5, -25, -15, -10, -5, 30, -10
Nose: 0, -60, -10, -20, -10, 5, -20, 20
Cheeks: 5, 50, 30, 30
Mouth: 60, -40, -25, -20, -40, -10, -30
Jaw: -30, 15, 20, 15, 50, 100
Ears: -20, 20, -30, -60

Face> Skin> Skin Aging: 40

Body Type: 30

-Body Morphing-
Neck: -10, 10, 30
Chest: -30, 0, 5
Shoulder: -40, -10, -10
Abdomen: -20, 30, 20
Waist: 5, 5
Arms: -30, 5, 10
Hands: 0, 0, 0
Legs: -10, -5, -5
Feet: 0, 0, 0

Height: 183cm (6'0")

01. Definition: 6
02. Face Skin Tone 10: 90, 0, -5, 10
03. Eye Type 3: 85, 0, -30
04. Eyebrows 13: 88, 0, 5
05. Eyelashes 15: 100, 0, 0
06. Lips 14: -96, 5, 0
07. Teeth 1: 86, 0, 0
08. Hair 48: 90, -5, 10

H=Horizontal, V=Vertical:
*Important* (make sure that all the layers in the Edit Layers Screen are in the order shown in the formula below, otherwise it might not look right)

09. Upper Body> Body Hair> Torso> Body Hair 5: 88, 5, 0, 80
10. Lower Body> Underwear 1: -13, -100, -100

11. Face Paint 53: 90, 35, 0, 10
12. Face> Skin> Marks/Scars 19: 90, -30, -5, 100
13. Makeup 28: 94, -30, 0, 80
14. Makeup 25: -95, -15, -10, 20
15. Makeup 18: 94, -30, 0, 100
16. Face Paint 70: 94, 30, 70, 30
17. Head> Tattoos> Symbols> Design 142: 2nd smallest H, largest V, (see help pics for placement) 94, -60, 30, 30
18. Head> Tattoos> Symbols> Design 146: 2nd largest H, 2nd smallest V, (see help pics for placement) 96, -50, 30, 15

19. Facial Hair> Template 13: 88, 20, 0, 100
20. Facial Hair> Template 12: 88, 10, 10, 100
21. Head> Tattoos> Symbols> Design 103: rotate once, 2nd largest H, smallest V, (see help pics for placement) 90, -60, 30, 100
22. Facial Hair> Goatee 1: 88, 10, 20, 40
23. Facial Hair> Goatee 2: 88, 15, -5, 100
24. Headwear> Other 33: 88, 0, 15

25. Upper Body> Elbow Pads 1: -13, -100, -60, 100
26. Upper Body> Wrist Bands 15: -13, -100, 30, 100

27. Upper Body> Wrestling Attire 3: -13, -100, -80, 100
28. Edit Layers> Wrestling Attire> Logos> WWE> Torso> WWE 70: 2nd largest H, 2nd smallest V, (see help pics for placement) -100, -100, 0, 100
29. Body> Tattoos> Symbols> Torso> Design 93: 2nd smallest H, smallest V, (see help pics for placement) -75, -30, 50, 100
30. Body> Tattoos> Symbols> Torso> Design 138: largest H, 2nd smallest V, (see help pics for placement) -13, -100, -40, 100
31. Body> Tattoos> Symbols> Torso> Design 120: 2nd smallest H, smallest V, (see help pics for placement) 100, 0, 27, 100
32. Body> Tattoos> Symbols> Torso> Design 138: largest H, 2nd smallest V, (see help pics for placement) -13, -100, -40, 100
33. Body> Tattoos> Symbols> Torso> Design 113: smallest H & V, (see help pics for placement) 87, -100, 7, 100
34. Body> Tattoos> Lettering> Torso> Alphabet, Page 2/17, the letter [v] 2nd smallest H, smallest V, (see help pics for placement) -75, -25, 5, 100

35. Lower Body> Wrestling Tights 3: -75, -20, 100, 100, 100
36. Lower Body> Wrestling Tights 16: (stylize to the longest pair) -75, -20, 100, 100

37. Body> Tattoos> Lettering> Back> Alphabet, Page 1/17, the letter [A] 2nd smallest H & V, (see help pics for placement) -13, -100, -60, 100
38. Body> Tattoos> Lettering> Back> Alphabet, Page 1/17, the letter [N] 2nd smallest H & V, (see help pics for placement) -13, -100, -60, 100
39. Body> Tattoos> Lettering> Back> Alphabet, Page 1/17, the letter [V] 2nd largest H, 2nd smallest V, (see help pics for placement) -13, -100, -60, 100
40. Body> Tattoos> Lettering> Back> Alphabet, Page 1/17, the letter [I] 2nd largest H, 2nd smallest V, (see help pics for placement) -13, -100, -60, 100
41. Body> Tattoos> Lettering> Back> Alphabet, Page 1/17, the letter [L] 2nd largest H, 2nd smallest V, (see help pics for placement) -13, -100, -60, 100

42. Body> Tattoos> Symbols> Torso> Design 103: largest H & V, (see help pics for placement) -13, -100, 50, 100
43. Body> Tattoos> Symbols> Torso> Design 103: 2nd smallest H, largest V, (see help pics for placement) -13, -100, -30, 100
44. Body> Tattoos> Symbols> Legs> Right Leg> Design 103: largest H & V, (see help pics for placement) -13, -100, 50, 100
45. Body> Tattoos> Symbols> Legs> Right Leg> Design 103: largest H, 2nd largest V, (see help pics for placement) -13, -100, 50, 100
46. Body> Tattoos> Symbols> Legs> Right Leg> Design 103: 2nd smallest H, largest V, (see help pics for placement) -13, -100, -30, 100
47. Body> Tattoos> Symbols> Legs> Right Leg> Design 103: 2nd smallest H, 2nd largest V, (see help pics for placement) -13, -100, -30, 100

48. Body> Tattoos> Lettering> Torso> Alphabet, Page 3/17, the letter [H], rotate once, largest H & V, (see help pics for placement) -13, -100, -30, 100
49. Body> Tattoos> Lettering> Torso> Alphabet, Page 3/17, the letter [H], rotate once, largest H & V, (see help pics for placement) -13, -100, -30, 100
50. Body> Tattoos> Lettering> Legs> Right Leg> Alphabet, Page 3/17, the letter [H], rotate once, largest H & V, (see help pics for placement) -13, -100, -30, 100
51. Body> Tattoos> Lettering> Legs> Right Leg> Alphabet, Page 3/17, the letter [H], rotate once, largest H & V, (see help pics for placement) -13, -100, -30, 100
52. Body> Tattoos> Lettering> Legs> Right Leg> Alphabet, Page 3/17, the letter [H], rotate once, largest H & V, (see help pics for placement) -13, -100, -30, 100

53. Body> Tattoos> Symbols> Torso> Design 103: largest H & V, (see help pics for placement) -13, -100, 50, 100
54. Body> Tattoos> Symbols> Torso> Design 103: 2nd smallest H, largest V, (see help pics for placement) -13, -100, -30, 100
55. Body> Tattoos> Symbols> Legs> Left Leg> Design 103: largest H & V, (see help pics for placement) -13, -100, 50, 100
56. Body> Tattoos> Symbols> Legs> Left Leg> Design 103: largest H, 2nd largest V, (see help pics for placement) -13, -100, 50, 100
57. Body> Tattoos> Symbols> Legs> Left Leg> Design 103: 2nd smallest H, largest V, (see help pics for placement) -13, -100, -30, 100
58. Body> Tattoos> Symbols> Legs> Left Leg> Design 103: 2nd smallest H, 2nd largest V, (see help pics for placement) -13, -100, -30, 100

59. Body> Tattoos> Lettering> Torso> Alphabet, Page 3/17, the letter [H], rotate once, largest H & V, (see help pics for placement) -13, -100, -30, 100
60. Body> Tattoos> Lettering> Torso> Alphabet, Page 3/17, the letter [H], rotate once, largest H & V, (see help pics for placement) -13, -100, -30, 100
61. Body> Tattoos> Lettering> Legs> Left Leg> Alphabet, Page 3/17, the letter [H], rotate once, largest H & V, (see help pics for placement) -13, -100, -30, 100
62. Body> Tattoos> Lettering> Legs> Left Leg> Alphabet, Page 3/17, the letter [H], rotate once, largest H & V, (see help pics for placement) -13, -100, -30, 100
63. Body> Tattoos> Lettering> Legs> Left Leg> Alphabet, Page 3/17, the letter [H], rotate once, largest H & V, (see help pics for placement) -13, -100, -30, 100

64. Lower Body> Boots/Shoes 29: (1st color) -13, -100, -10, (2nd color) -80, -50, 20

-Crowd Signs-
Your Choice

Name: Jim Neidhart
Nickname: The Anvil
Nickname Placement: Middle
HUD Name: Neidhart
Announcer Introduction: James
Hometown: Calgary, Canada
Weight Class: Heavyweight 128kg (282lb)
Crowd Reaction: Bad

"British Bulldog" Davey Boy Smith
by Kung Fu

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Davey Boy Smith,
By Kung Fu,

Help Pics,

Start with face Template 3

-Head Morphing-
Head: 20, 5, 10
Forehead: -25, -10, 5, -15

-Face Morphing-
Eyebrows: -100, 30, 10, -60
Eyes: 0, -20, -15, -20, 10, 0, -20
Nose: 0, -60, 30, 0, -15, -20, -10, 25
Cheeks: 0, -40, 25, 0
Mouth: 80, -30, -10, -50, 0, 0, -40
Jaw: -40, -5, 10, 25, 30, 100
Ears: 5, -20, 10, 5

Face> Skin> Skin Aging: 30

Body Type: -20

-Body Morphing-
Neck: 0, 0, 10
Chest: -40, 10, 20
Shoulder: -20, -5, 0
Abdomen: 0, 20, 30
Waist: -25, 0
Arms: -20, -5, 20
Hands: -10, 10, 5
Legs: 10, 0, 10
Feet: -5, 0, -20

Height: 180cm (5'11")

01. Definition: 5
02. Face Skin Tone 8: 90, 0, -10, 20
03. Eye Type 1: 90, 10, -5
04. Eyebrows 1: 88, -10, 5
05. Eyelashes 15: 100, 0, 0
06. Lips 6: 96, -30, -10
07. Teeth 1: 86, 0, 0
08. Hair 11: 85, 10, -30

H=Horizontal, V=Vertical:
*Important* (make sure that all the layers in the Edit Layers Screen are in the order shown in the formula below, otherwise it might not look right)

09. Lower Body> Underwear 4: Pattern 3: -30, 0, 0

10. Face Paint 53: 90, 30, -5, 15
11. Makeup 28: 90, -30, 0, 70
12. Face> Skin> Marks/Scars 20: 90, -10, 10, 20
13. Makeup 14: 88, -40, -30, 20
14. Makeup 1: 87, 0, -30, 20
15. Facial Hair> Mustache 1: 86, -40, 10, 0
16. Facial Hair> Template 3: 88, 0, 0, 10
17. Face> Skin> Marks/Scars 16: 90, 0, 20, 10
18. Head> Tattoos> Lettering> Alphabet, Page 14/17, the letter [U] 2nd largest H, largest V, (see help pics for placement) 94, -60, 40, 0
19. Head> Tattoos> Symbols> Design 138: 2nd smallest H, smallest V, (see help pics for placement) 94, -60, 0, 20
20. Head> Tattoos> Symbols> Design 142: 2nd largest H, 2nd smallest V, (see help pics for placement) 94, -60, -20, 0
21. Head> Tattoos> Symbols> Design 94: rotate twice, 2nd smallest H & V, (see help pics for placement) 92, -55, 30, 20
22. Head> Tattoos> Symbols> Design 97: largest H & V, (see help pics for placement) 94, -50, 20, 20
23. Head> Tattoos> Symbols> Design 104: smallest H & V, (see help pics for placement) 85, -60, -10, 20
24. Head> Tattoos> Symbols> Design 104: rotate once, smallest H & V, (see help pics for placement) 85, -60, -10, 20

25. Upper Body> Wrist Bands 21: -30, -10, -10, 100
26. Body> Tattoos> Symbols> Arms> Right Arm> Design 4: smallest H, largest V, (see help pics for placement) -30, -10, -5, 100
27. Body> Tattoos> Symbols> Arms> Left Arm> Design 4: smallest H, largest V, (see help pics for placement) -30, -10, -5, 100
28. Upper Body> Wrist Bands 15: -13, -100, 30, 100

29. Body> Tattoos> Symbols> Torso> Design 146: rotate twice, largest H, 2nd smallest V, (see help pics for placement) -30, -20, -5, 100
30. Body> Tattoos> Symbols> Torso> Design 146: rotate twice, largest H, 2nd smallest V, (see help pics for placement) -30, -20, -5, 100

31. Body> Tattoos> Symbols> Torso> Design 148: 2nd largest H & V, (see help pics for placement) -13, -100, 40, 100
32. Body> Tattoos> Symbols> Torso> Design 148: 2nd largest H & V, (see help pics for placement) -30, -20, -5, 100
33. Body> Tattoos> Symbols> Torso> Design 148: 2nd largest H & V, (see help pics for placement) -13, -100, 40, 100
34. Body> Tattoos> Symbols> Torso> Design 148: 2nd largest H & V, (see help pics for placement) -30, -20, -5, 100
35. Edit Layers> Underwear> Logos> Flag> Torso> Flag 2: largest H, 2nd smallest V, (see help pics for placement) 100, 0, -30, 100
36. Body> Tattoos> Symbols> Torso> Design 100: rotate once, 2nd smallest H & V, (see help pics for placement) 100, -10, 20, 100
37. Body> Tattoos> Symbols> Torso> Design 100: 2nd smallest H & V, (see help pics for placement) 100, -10, 20, 100
38. Body> Tattoos> Symbols> Torso> Design 100: 2nd largest H, 2nd smallest V, (see help pics for placement) 100, -10, 20, 100
39. Body> Tattoos> Symbols> Torso> Design 100: rotate once, 2nd largest H, 2nd smallest V, (see help pics for placement) 100, -10, 20, 100
40. Body> Tattoos> Symbols> Torso> Design 103: rotate once, largest H, 2nd smallest V, (see help pics for placement) 90, -58, 25, 100
41. Body> Tattoos> Symbols> Torso> Design 103: rotate once, largest H, 2nd smallest V, (see help pics for placement) 90, -58, 25, 100

42. Body> Tattoos> Symbols> Back> Design 148: 2nd largest H & V, (see help pics for placement) -13, -100, 40, 100
43. Body> Tattoos> Symbols> Back> Design 148: 2nd largest H & V, (see help pics for placement) -30, -20, -5, 100
44. Body> Tattoos> Symbols> Back> Design 148: 2nd largest H & V, (see help pics for placement) -13, -100, 40, 100
45. Body> Tattoos> Symbols> Back> Design 148: 2nd largest H & V, (see help pics for placement) -30, -20, -5, 100
46. Edit Layers> Underwear> Logos> Flag> Back> Flag 2: largest H, 2nd smallest V, (see help pics for placement) 100, 0, -30, 100
47. Body> Tattoos> Symbols> Back> Design 100: rotate once, 2nd smallest H & V, (see help pics for placement) 100, -10, 20, 100
48. Body> Tattoos> Symbols> Back> Design 100: 2nd smallest H & V, (see help pics for placement) 100, -10, 20, 100
49. Body> Tattoos> Symbols> Back> Design 100: 2nd largest H, 2nd smallest V, (see help pics for placement) 100, -10, 20, 100
50. Body> Tattoos> Symbols> Back> Design 100: rotate once, 2nd largest H, 2nd smallest V, (see help pics for placement) 100, -10, 20, 100
51. Body> Tattoos> Symbols> Back> Design 103: rotate once, largest H, 2nd smallest V, (see help pics for placement) 90, -55, 20, 100
52. Body> Tattoos> Symbols> Back> Design 103: rotate once, largest H, 2nd smallest V, (see help pics for placement) 90, -55, 20, 100

53. Lower Body> Socks 1: -30, 100, -60, 52
54. Edit Layers> Socks> Logos> Flag> Right Leg> Flag 2: largest H, 2nd smallest V, (see help pics for placement) 100, 0, -30, 100
55. Body> Tattoos> Symbols> Legs> Right Leg> Design 97: rotate once, largest H, 2nd largest V, (see help pics for placement) 90, -60, 30, 100
56. Edit Layers> Socks> Logos> Flag> Left Leg> Flag 2: largest H, 2nd smallest V, (see help pics for placement) 100, 0, -30, 100
57. Body> Tattoos> Symbols> Legs> Left Leg> Design 97: rotate once, largest H, 2nd largest V, (see help pics for placement) 90, -60, 30, 100

58. Lower Body> Boots/Shoes 1: (stylize to the medium length pair) 100, 100, 15
59. Body> Tattoos> Symbols> Legs> Right Leg> Design 57: rotate 3 times, smallest H, 2nd smallest V, (see help pics for placement) -13, -100, 30, 100
60. Body> Tattoos> Symbols> Legs> Right Leg> Design 57: rotate twice, 2nd largest H & V, (see help pics for placement) -13, -100, 50, 100
61. Body> Tattoos> Symbols> Legs> Right Leg> Design 57: rotate twice, 2nd largest H & V, (see help pics for placement) -13, -100, 50, 100
62. Body> Tattoos> Symbols> Legs> Left Leg> Design 57: rotate 3 times, smallest H, 2nd smallest V, (see help pics for placement) -13, -100, 30, 100
63. Body> Tattoos> Symbols> Legs> Left Leg> Design 57: rotate twice, 2nd largest H & V, (see help pics for placement) -13, -100, 50, 100
64. Body> Tattoos> Symbols> Legs> Left Leg> Design 57: rotate twice, 2nd largest H & V, (see help pics for placement) -13, -100, 50, 100

-Crowd Signs-
Your Choice

Name: Davey Boy Smith
Nickname: British Bulldog
Nickname Placement: None
HUD Name: Bulldog
Announcer Introduction: The Bull
Hometown: Manchester, England
Weight Class: Heavyweight 115kg (255lb)
Crowd Reaction: Bad
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[quote name='WolfgangJT' post='5626729' date='Jan 22 2009, 09:20 PM']just noticed I had the face pic of Bret too stretched by accident...corrected shot now up.

Here it is up to refs:


Now THAT looks like The Hitman I idolized
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[quote name='Tetsujin0x0' post='5627027' date='Jan 22 2009, 10:47 PM']I think the Bret face looks less like bret now than the old face, even though you have refined it something has been lost in the eyes[/quote]

Changes were lightening the shade some around the eye edges, addition of his eyelid lines (seen in various refs and a face scan, and not as noticeable in others), less eye height and a tad more eye width, and less droopiness (upping angle) to match his actual eye angling (as Bhangra originally took the angling lower than actual corner to corner angle match to make the upper hang of the eye skin look more droopy-like in the last shown shot to this)....all suggested. Could possibly be the eyelid line additions? Or is it a setting you'd liek looked into? Let us know what you feel the difference may be from hearing the changes. He can look into it. Keep in mind the shots were taken on my cap card this time, not Kung Fu's, so could also be a cap card difference.

And you are comparing to the last shot shown prior to this, right, not the really old face skin first previewed shots that not many really liked the skin on???...I hope.
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[quote name='DeCipher' post='5627217' date='Jan 23 2009, 05:13 AM']Loving the Bret update. Maybe look into tweaking the positioning of the mouth?[/quote]

yep agree, the mouth need to be a little more higher IMO, I'd also add some depht to his cheeks, and maybe add a bit angle in the eye, I know his upper eyeline looks droopy but his lower doesn't go down on ref shots you posted and the one i searched.
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Due to me being a noob I dont know how to do the quotes and add the pics from each topic... anyways you guys are CAW giants and I'm not trying to tell you what to do but I'm looking at the 2 pics and in my opinion I prefer the other face skin, I liked the way it showed off the cheeks leading to the eyes looks more Bret like to me. I think the eyelid line also isnt necessary loonikg at the refs you have I think less would be more. I also think "smile lines" on the other face looked more like Bret a fitting with the smile/ smirk he seems to have, as for the eye angle I think it may again be the face skin :)
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Thanks for the comments I guess I will have one more quick mini update and I probably agree that the eyelids are maybe not neccessary. Hopefully will have one last update up tonight..

Keep the comments coming..there was so many in the first topic.. or are we all waiting for formulas now :) ?
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[quote name='FreakyD' post='5626782' date='Jan 23 2009, 02:33 AM'][quote name='WolfgangJT' post='5626729' date='Jan 22 2009, 09:20 PM']just noticed I had the face pic of Bret too stretched by accident...corrected shot now up.

Here it is up to refs:



I think you should lessen the eye angle a tad and make them "not-so-wide" too.

But otherwise I love these CAWs and I hope this topic stays on. Waiting for formulas too :)
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