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Just WWE? Because it was posted in General Wrestling, so I will post about CHIKARA :L

CHIKARA should bring back the following:

Mister ZER0
DJ Skittlez
Lance Steel
Lance Steel
Dragon Dragon
Ken The Box
Beef Wellington

I would be happy =D

WWE itself... VADER. kthxbai.
Or Taka & Tajiri, them in a tag team would pwn.
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It will never happen for obvious reasons, but I'd like to see ECW with the ECW Television Title, the ECW Tag Team Titles, the Hardcore title, a good sized roster, an extra hour, Paul Heyman as GM, and Brock Lesnar as the top heel. I'd like ECW better that way.

Edit: I'd also like the Women's Title and the Cruiserweight Title (returned) as interbrand titles, so every roster can compete for them.

Edit #2: And Gregory Helms with a World title.
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WWE should try eliminating all the stupid fans who hate someone like John Cena based off the weakest arguments like......

"He only does 5 moves"
-So don't HHH, HBK, Undertaker, Bret Hart, Steve Austin, Mick Foley, Randy Orton, The Rock.

"He's only there for the kids and women"
-How is that possible? If he was there for women and children then grown men who hate him wouldn't be watching or giving him a reaction.

"He's stale"
-Yeah that's nice.......I guess HBK and Undertaker are fresh despite them being in WWE for over 20 years where Cena hasn't even hit the 10 year mark.

"His title reigns last too long"
-The whole point of a long title reign is to build a belt's prestige. It doesn't help if there's a new champion every week or month.

"His title is disrespectful to wrestling"
-Titles don't mean squat in wrestling. They're props and Cena's title is a huge prop plus nobody was bitching when Steve Austin disrespected WWE by carrying around a custom title.

Seriously, I'm not much of a Cena fan but I see a lot of people trashing Cena for things that they loved another wrestler for.
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