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name tupac

hud name tupac

nickname defult

nickname placment none

announcer introduction the legend

hometown okland california

gender male

weight class super heavyweight 400

mach tactic clean

show raw or smackdown

voice 3

match specialty none

head morphing

head default

forhead default

face morphing

eyesbrows -46 0 -28 -58

eyes 28 -46 43 -10 32 100 55

noes 0 67 74 -21 15 26 0 -7

cheeks 47 -95 -95 65

mouth 100 70 -33 8 61 85 -46

jaw 56 27 24 -13 56 -24

ears -7 -44 -18 1

skin aging 0

body type 0

advance options

neck -52 -14 7

chest 5 0 2

shoulder -58 -13 12

abdomen 0 0 0

arms -33 36 34

hands 0 0 0

legs -7 28 -15

feet 13 -3 0

body skin 3 custom color x 88 y 23 shade -39

face skin tones 7\13

eyes 1\8 x -100 y-100 shade -100

eyebrows 46\54 x -100 y 49 shade -32

eyeslashes defalut

lips 8\45 x 88 y 21 shade -50

teeth defalut

hair 50\50

body hair defalut

underware 8/28

other facial hair 25\27 x 90 y 0 shade -30 alpha 46

other facial hair 2\27 x -100 y -48 shade - 49 alpha 100

piercing 4\12 make yellow

arm accessorises 2\11 x 35 y 84 shade 0 alpha 100

wrist bands 21\22 left arm only make yellow

shoes 18\29 x -13 y-78 shade -74

mens bottoms 21\24 stylize long pants x -13 y -78 shade -74

hats 5\10 make brown entrance only

design 95\137 make it where it is all over his fingers this for his rings make yellow

design 95\137 make it where it is all over his fingers this for his rings make yellow

mens clothes 1\31 white

jackets 19\20 entrance only

thats all :rolleyes:

when you are done with tupac can some one please post a pic thanks i dont ha a camra sorry everybody
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