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Angelo Lopez from Saints Row

Simon Poole

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Angelo Lopez is a member of the Los Carnales Gang on Saints row for the X-Box 360




The only thing wrong with it is his hair, the cloest that i can find and his cross chain is smaller

There's no refenance picture but there is a video from youtube for a reference


Feedback welcomed, looking foward to hear feedback
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  • 2 weeks later...

Head Morphing

Head –10, -16, -62
Forehead 12, 48, -23, -3

Face Morphing

Eyebrows –41, -55, -36, 15
Eyes –4, -9, 7, -9, -11, 38, 29
Nose 0, -66, -31, 24, -45, 22, -15, -55
Cheeks –28, 0, 0, 0
Mouth 29,44, 6, -12, 0, -33, -100
Jaw 29, -7, -56, -65, 0, -5
Ears 40, 0, 0, 0

Body Morphing

Neck –100, -46, -25
Chest –39, 3, 3
Shoulders 0, 29, 7
Abdomen –18, 3, 3
Waist 0,0
Arms –4, 30, 17
Hands 0, 3, 1
Legs 10, 40, 31
Feet 0, 0, 0

Height 180 cm

Definition 1/9
Skin Tone 12/12
Eye Type 1/9 (9, -9, -8)
Eyebrows 15/38 (86, -1, -14)
Eyelashes 1/15
Lips 1/16 (100, 0, -3)
Teeth 1/14
Hair 20/73 (move the d-pad left twice) and juts put it Black
Underwear 1/31
Sideburns 2/17 (-30, -53, -15, 100)
Goatee 13/14 (88, -19, -28, 100)
Goatee 12/14 (85, 0, -92, 100)
Boots/Shoes 31/33
Tops 7/40 (Keep shirt button and tuck it in) (-100, -11, -47)
Body Accessories 2/17 (-22, -100. –12, 100)
Body Accessories 14/17
Bottoms 31/42
Body Accessories 5/17 (100, -100, -52, 1000)
Facial Features 4/9 (100, -100, -16, 7)
Make-up 19/19 (94, -100, -77, 3)


Voice 5
Fighting Style (Up to You)

Application Form

Name: Angelo Lopez
Nickname: Default
Nickname Placement: None
HUD Name: Angelo or Lobo (Alias Name)
Announcer Introduction: The Hitman
Hometown: Mexico
Weight: anywhere in Light heavyweight
Crowd Reaction: Bad
Show: You’re Choice
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