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"The Reject" Shannon Moore


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This is my shannon moore i wanted to wait till the one over the edge posted came out but obviously hes not posting so i made one myself and i think it came out better than his. :D hope u guys like it, i used all 64 layers. By the way the prince of punk is my favorite wrestler, but i think the wwe dont use him right, shannon moore has been in the business a long time and is way more experienced than most other wrestlers yet wwe uses people like MVP to be the united states champ and tag champ and hornswoggle to hold the cruiserweight title shannon moore is 1 of the most fun wrestlers to watch including jeff hardy. shannon have to be a better wrestler than those other guys I mean watch him. I think shannon moore should be cruiserweight champ.
[url="http://imageshack.us"][img]http://img227.imageshack.us/img227/3906/shannonmoorecawpix004xm8.jpg[/img][/url] [url="http://imageshack.us"][img]http://img229.imageshack.us/img229/4976/hpim0099vk9.jpg[/img][/url]

I know its took a while but ive been updateing shannon moore I changed all the make-up and mostly all the face morphing i now have brand new face pix and the head formula ever1 enjoy the formula and i might get the atire formula out ill probally put up my ecw shannon moore too
[url="http://imageshack.us"][img]http://img229.imageshack.us/img229/7462/shannonmoorecawpix003oz3.jpg[/img][/url] [url="http://imageshack.us"][img]http://img229.imageshack.us/img229/4854/shannonmoorecawpix002im5.jpg[/img][/url]

Head Morphing

Face Morphing

01 Body Skin 5/9 88,0,2,0
02 Face Skin Tones 9/12
03 Eyes 2/8 5,-12,-22
04 Eyebrows 42/54 88,-12,4
05 Eyelashes 1 Default
06 Lips 1/45 96,-6,-2
07 Teeth 1 Default
08 Hair 21/50 84, -5,-10,0
09 Body Hair 1 Default
10 Underwear 1 Default
11 Piercing 1/12 -100, -100, 2

62/65 93,-8,2,74
18/65 stylize to the 1 that covers his cheeks 88,-47,2,72
19/65 stylize to the one on the sides of his eyes 91,-28,0,75
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[quote name='The00Raven00Effect' post='2628135' date='Aug 22 2007, 09:09 PM']The attire is really good. The face is pretty off. I'm not that great at CAWs but one major thing I see is that the head needs to be thinner (ie less width).[/quote]
the reason that his head looks big and some of the morphing is off is because of the pics if any1 could do cap card pics for me it would help
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[quote name='billrose7869' post='2639633' date='Aug 24 2007, 12:10 PM']I love the pants. You should do the mohawk though.[/quote]
ok thanx i might do that soon but should i use the pants i have now or make tna or ecw pants? also if i use the mohawk ill make his face paint too but also should i use tna or ecw
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[quote name='Rated R Superstar Edge' post='2644115' date='Aug 24 2007, 09:46 PM']thats awsome, the prince of pu nk one looks more like him in the face, but the other look his current one there is somthing with the face, otherwise great job, is the formula out yet?[/quote]
ill probally put the formula out soon but the morphing is preety much the same but i updated him when i made the prince of punk atire ill probally update the new atire and let me here what u'all think. Thank 4 all the comments guys
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Here I took the liberty of resizing your pics.
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[quote name='Stop Name Changing!' post='2662956' date='Aug 27 2007, 10:10 AM']Here I took the liberty of resizing your pics.
Dude thanx a million for the pics ive never figured out how to do pics like that, well what im gonna do is, ive already updated both they look much better now i have the tna's shannon moores coat and all of his face paint and ill give u all an update then ill release the formula. hope the new changes are like when i get them up :D again thanx 4 the pics
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I dont have Xbox but i was just looking around here and seen your shannon and i think the prince of punk one is AWSOME i wish someone would make a great one like that for ps2 ..im not diggin the wwe look though maybe its just that hair i dunno but the prince of punk one is awsome just wanted to tell you ..i wish i had xbox so i could make him peace for now
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