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KOF Girls Leona and Whip


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Alright, I just finished the formulas for the girls of KOF's Team Ikari. This formula is from 2007, however you can try it for 2006 if you want, I don't exactly know how it is different in the face morphing and and body type advanced measurements.

First up is Whip: going from profile.

Name: Sierah (If you check on her profile at Wikpedia you'll find her real name is this)
Hud Name: Whip
Nickname: Whip
Announcer: Sarah
Hometown: Italy (This was my choice, I don't really know where she's from)
Gender: Female (duh)
Weight Class: I usually leave the divas I make at the default weight leaving them at heavyweight
Match Tactics Dirty
Show: Doesn't matter
Match Preference: Submission (G.M. Mode)

Height: 5'8"
Head and Face Morphing: I didn't touch them, both are at complete 0
Face Parts: Hair: 19/38 Color: X: -100 Y: -52 Shade: -59
Eyes 2/8: Color: X: 90 Y: 34 Shade: -33
Eyebrows: 52/54: Default color
Lips: 27/45 default colors
Face Skin Tone: 4/9
Eyelashes: 22/22 default
Skin Tone: 4/6 Color: X: 92 Y: -7 Shade: 7
Body Type: -15
Neck: 0/4/0
Chest: 0
Bust: 38/34/28
Shoulders: 0/23/0
Abdomen: 12/0/10
Waist: 2/13
Arms: -65/0/0
Hands: 0/-57/-40
Legs: -30/20/18
Feet: 0

Defaut women's clothing: 24/48 Color: X: 17 Y: 0 Shade: -62 (I like Whip's dark green outfit)
Women's Clothing (2nd layer) 48/48 Color: X: 17 Y: 35 Shade: -64
This part is the tricky part, her armband: Use the wristband selecions for this, it also takes the ripple effect from the sleeves in the shirt.

I used three wristbands, the first one is to represent the band itself.
1st wristband: Right arm: 1/17 Color: X: 81 Y: 52 Shade: -59 Length: 100
2nd wristband: Right arm: 1/17 Color: X: 17 Y: 26 Shade: -70 Length: 80
3rd wristband: Left arm: Same color as the second wristband, length 100
Gloves: 4/17 color:Black
Tights: 10/20 color: X: 17 Y: -9 Shade: -66
Shoes: 11/24 color: Black
Belt: 3/29 color: Black
Jacket (Entrance and Cutscene Only) 3/7 color: X: 17 Y: 57 Shade: -58

That's about it for Whip

Now for Leona:

Name: Leona
Hud Name: Leona
Nickname: Lieutenant (It doesn't have to be this it's just an example)
Placement: None
Announcer name: Pickone, I chose The Legend
Hometown: Parts Unknown
Gender through match Preferance same as Whip
Height: 5'8"

Head Morph: 0
Forehead Morph:
Size: 0
Height: 15
Width: 7
Depth: 5
Y-Axis: 74
Thickness: -63
Depth: 54
Angle: 19
Size: 0
Height: -49
Width: 31
Y-Axis: 35
X-Axis: 0
Depth: 0
Angle: 0
Size: -23
Height: 31
Width: -8
Length: -11
Nostril H.: 30
Nostril w.: 22
Depth: 65
Angle: -32
Size: -29
Y-Axis: 14
X-Axis: -31
Depth: -11
Height: -4
Thickness: 17
Width: -17
Depth: -26
Upper Lip: -38
Lower Lip: -57
Angle: 11
Height: 14
Width: 10
Depth: 3
Outline: -7
Upperline: -15
Thickness: -21
Height: 18
Angle 1: 0
Angle 2: 0
Shape: 18
Age: 0

Body Type: 0 I didn't touch the advanced options either.

Body Skin: 4/6 Default tone
Face Skin Tone: 9/9
Eyes: 2/8 color: X: -81 Y: 14 Shade: -15
Eyebrows: 47/54: Default color
Eyelash: 3/22 color: X: 87 Y: 0 Shade: 0
Lips: 2/48 color: X: 97 Y: 0 Shade: 0
Hair: 31/38 color: X: -26 Y: 19 Shade: -11 Length: -72

Default Upper clothes: 32/48 color: X: 23 Y: -17 Shade: -50
Now, to create her short sleeves, again with the wristbands pick:
Wrisband 1/22 and get them as close to her skin tone as possible, and put the length to 80
Women's Clothing 2: 33/48 color: X: 16 Y: -16 Shade: -51
Tights: 10/20 color: X: 19 Y: -10 Shade: -57 Length: 5
Shoes: 3/24 set the style so it's the shortest one - black
Gloves: 2/17 - black
Belt: 3/29 - black
Finally Torso Accessories 1/10, stylize it so it's the short chain.

That's Whip and Leona done and ready for combat.


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