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Found 4 results

  1. Took me little over 3 years, but finally got this done. Worked hard on this AJ Lee Caw, it's probably the only original one I've done myself. Name: AJ Lee HD Name: AJ Lee Nick Name: AJ Nick Name Placement: None Announcer Introduction: The Miss (I did this because she's also known as Miss April) Hometown: Jersey City, New Jersey Gender: Female Weight Class: 112 lbs Match Tactic: Fight Clean Show: Raw Morphing: -Head 18, -37, -77, 0 -Eyebrows 60, 50, 0, 0 -Eyes 40, -40, 29, 0, 0, 0, 25 -Nose 40, 70, 29, 0, 20, 25, 40, -32 -Cheek 0, 60, 90, 100 -Mouth 0, 0, 64, 0, 5, 13, 0 -Jaw 35, 25, 0, -48, 20, 29 -Ear 0, 0, 0, 0 -Age 30 Morphing-Continued: -Hair (54/91) 96, 45, 25, 100 -Eyes (9/27) 100, 50, 30 -Eyebrows (2/48) 95, 60, 28, 79 -Lips (5/35) 98, 58, 43, 56 -Face (4/8) -Eyelids (11/22) 93, 50, 0 -Teeth Default Body Type: -Glamour <-> Slim 40 Advanced Options: -Head 0, -71, -40 -Neck 0, 0, 0, -Chest 42, 0, 0 -Bust -16, 0, -14 -Shoulder 0, -18, 47 -Abdomen 0, 0, 0 -Waist 0, 20 -Arms -47, 0, -22 -Hands -47, 0, -47 -Legs -48 -10, 0 -Feet -18, 11, 20 Body Skin: (4/6) 96, 55, 48 Body Height: 5'3" Layers: 1. Body Skin 2. Face Skin 3. Eyes 4. Eyebrows 5. Eyelashes 6. Lips 7. Teeth 8. Hair 9. Body Hair HACK IN - Underwear (1/26) (1/45) 39, 100, 20, 100 10. Underwear HACK IN - Tights (12/20) (11/45) 43, 40, 59, 100 11. Short Hemline (35/43) (1/45) 43, 10, 13, 100 12. Wrist Bands (1/20) (1/45) 43, 50, 10, 100, 80 13. Wrist Bands (6/20) (1/45) 43, 0, 79, 100, 87 14. Wrist Bands (1/20) (1/45) 43, 50, 10, 100, 15. Socks (1/22) (1/45) 43, 0, 79, 100, 37 16. Socks (1/22) (1/45) 43, 50, 0, 100, 40 17. Socks (1/22) (1/45) 43, 0, 79, 100, 37 18. Socks (1/22) (1/45) 43, 50, 0, 100, 51 19. Underwear (23/26) (1/45) 43, 0, 50, 100 20. Underwear (4/26) (1/45) 43, 0, 50, 100 21. Tights (10/20) (1/45) 97, 25, 100, 0, 100 22. Tights (12/20) (11/45) 43, 40, 40, 100 23. Tights (12/20) (11/45) 43, 20, 30, 79 24. Shoes (3/47) (1/45) 43, 0, 10 25. Make-Up (132/135) 98, 57, 32, 29 26. Make-Up (1/135) 100, 50, 18, 100 27. Pattern_Picture (93/144) 6, 76, 36, 100 - Largest Horizontal, Default Vertical, Rotate x2, Place on the right breast (Your right) 28. Pattern_Picture (93/144) 6, 76, 36, 100 - Largest Horizontal, Default Vertical, Rotate x2, Place on the left breast (Your left) but more centered inwards 29. Pattern_Simple (69/162) 14, 100, 69, 100 - Largest Horizontal, Default Vertical, Rotate x1, Place between the two webs on the shirt 30. Pattern_Simple (147/162) 96, 28, 74, 100 - Default Horizontal, Default Veritcal, Rotate x1, Just Press R1 + Up and Place it below the neck and as close as you can go until it stops moving. 31. Pattern_Simple (147/162) 96, 28, 74, 100 - Largest Horizontal, Smallest Vertical, Do not Rotate, Just Press R1 + Up and place it below where you did the other one before it. 32. Belt (11/29) 39, 0, 40, 100 AI Fighting Style 1: Grappler AI Fighting Style 2: Brawler Crowd Signs: Psycho Diva, I Love Divas! Advanced: Move: Clever Irish Whip Often Diving Moves Often Taunt Often
  2. Disclaimer: Don't give me a ton of credit for this, most of the formula was from a very old post and created by a youtuber who has since then nuked his self from internet existence. The only thing I really did here, which I'll show below, is that I did a major overhaul of the face and head infrastructure because I felt the original needed a ton of polish. Do use this formula though not just for the face/head though because I did make several edits elsewhere as well. But anyways, here's a Ryback Fixing to post a AJ Lee really soon to update my one from years before. Basic Face: 1 Morphing: Head size: -45 height: 20 width: -15 depth: -15 Eyebrow y axis position: 62 thickness: 29 depth: 60 angle: 29 Eyes size:-20 height: 0 width: 0 y axis position: 0 x axis position: 25 depth: 28 angle: 0 Nose size: 0 height: 37 width: -30 length: 10 nostril height: 23 nostril width: 45 angle: 32 arc: 42 Cheek size: 0 y axis width: 0 x axis width : 22 depth : -22 Mouth height: -74 thickness: -20 horizontal width: -15 depth: -10 upper lip shape: 0 lower lip shape: 0 angle: 100 Jaw height: 80 horizontal width: 20 depth: 20 outline: -10 upper line: 50 thickness: 90 Ear size: 0 angle: 0 angle: 0 shape: 77 Age Age: 20 (Can also adjust between this and up to 30, but I do feel between 20 and 30 is the right ratio and anything more or less will not look right) Morphing-Continued: Hair 91/91 Eyes 8/26 (colour:51 shade:0 brightness:49) Eyebrows 6/48 (colour:96 shade:50 brigthness:50 transparency:70) Facial Hair Goatee: 9/13 (colour:96 shade:50 brightness:50 tranpsarency:80) Goatee: 7/13 (colour:95 shade:50 brightness:50 transparency:80) Other: 7/25 (colour:98 shade:50 brightness:50 tranparency: 80) Other: 11/25 (colour:98 shade:50 brightness:45 tranparency: 50) Other: 21/25 (colour:98 shade:50 brightness:50 tranparency: 40) Lips 7/35 (colour:97 shade:43 brigthness:45 transparency: 100) Faceskin 8/8 Eyelids 1/22 (colour:93 shade 50 brightness 50) Teeth 1/3 Body Type: Ripped<->Thick -32 Advance Options: Head Height: 10 width: 20 depth: 0 Neck height: 5 width: 35 depth: 20 Chest height: 70 width: 8 depth: 15 Shoulder height: 0 width: 90 depth: 50 Abdomen height: 0 width: 70 depth: 0 Waist width: 5 depth: 15 Arms length: 16 upper arm: 8 forearm: 8 Hands length: 60 width: 0 depth: 0 Legs length: 50 width: 0 depth: 0 Feet length: 0 width: 20 depth: 15 Body Skin 7/9 (colour:98 shade:50 brightness:50) Body Hair 1/32 Body Height 6'3" (1.91 cm) Body Weight 291lb (132 kg) OUTFIT Torso Costume: 11/17 pattern 44/45 (colour:44 shade:43 brightness:32 transparency: 100) Body paint: 9/58 (colour:50 shade:40 brightness:80 transparency:70) Body paint: 51/58 (colour:100 shade:50 brightness:50 transparency:70) Body paint: 10/58 (colour:50 shade:40 brightness:80 transparency:70) Tattoo/Logo: WWE Logo 51/ 64 place it on the front (colour:100 shade:50 brightness:50 transparency:65) Arms Elbow pads (both arms): 2/16 pattern 1/45 (colour:43 shade:7 brightness:14 transparency: 100) Gloves(both arms): 8/18 pattern 1/45 (colour:43 shade:4 brightness:13) Tattoo/Logo: Design: (6 Total) 153/162 place it around ryback's left biceps (colour:40 shade:0 brightness:36 transparency: 100) 153/162 place it around ryback's left biceps (colour:40 shade:0 brightness:36 transparency: 100) 153/162 place it around ryback's right biceps(colour:40 shade:0 brightness:36 transparency: 100) 153/162 place it around ryback's right biceps(colour:40 shade:0 brightness:36 transparency: 100) 149/162 place it in the middle of the armband that was made (leftarm) (colour:40 shade:0 brightness:36 transparency: 100) 149/162 place it in the middle of the armband that was made (rightarm) (colour:40 shade:0 brightness:36 transparency: 100) Letter: (2 Total) 01/18 letter R move it into the armband created (leftarm) (colour:85 shade:76 brightness:54 transparency:100) 01/18 letter R move it into the armband created (rightarm) (colour:85 shade:76 brightness:54 transparency:100) Legs Knee Pads (Both legs): 5/15 pattern 1/45 (colour:43 shade:0 brightness:12 transparency:100) Tattoo/Logo Design: (2 Total) 153/162 place it behing the knee pads to cover the hole (rightleg) (colour:40 shade:0 brightness:36 transparency: 100) 153/162 place it behing the knee pads to cover the hole (leftleg) (colour:40 shade:0 brightness:36 transparency: 100) Feet Shoes: 6/48 pattern 1/45 (colour:43 shade:0 brightness:12)
  3. I need a Dolph Ziggler moveset, as I'm already using @wendigosong's Ziggler entrance and have a Ziggler Caw made, just haven't found a moveset to go with it. (I'm okay with the fact this game won't have a move similar to Zig Zag) Also need AJ Lee's moveset, as most of what I have currently is AJ Lee's Caw that I specifically made myself originally. I think at most as far as AJ's finisher goes, I'm using Shining Wizard. But if you have other suggestions for finishers to go along with the moveset in general, then I'd be in very good shape to finishing AJ Lee. I just have to worry about her entrance afterwards. Which should be easy.
  4. AJ Lee Entrance (Not the best, but it'll work) STAGE Motion: Christy Hemme Fireworks: None Screen Effect: None Room Lighting: Pink 01 Name Plate: OFF Camera: 2, 2, 1, 1 RAMP Motion: Christy Hemme Fireworks: None Screen Effect: None Room Lighting: Pink 01 Name Plate: ON Camera: 7, 7, 1, 1 RING IN Motion: Christy Hemme Fireworks: None Screen Effect: None Room Lighting: Pink 01 Name Plate: OFF Camera: 4, 4, 4, 4 RING Motion: Michelle McCool Fireworks: None Screen Effect: None Room Lighting: Pink 01 Name Plate: OFF Camera: 4, 4, 2, 1 FINALIZE Movie: WWE Logo Music: Michelle McCool
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