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Everything posted by TheShaxter

  1. My heart broke when I found out about Cody earlier. ;-;
  2. I love Sandow and hate that he's released. But I understand it from how his career has gone. IMO, him winning MitB in the first place was a mistake. It should've went to Cody. Sandow should've been given a good mid-card singles run with the IC title and been a top heel for the company from 2013 onward. I wouldn't have expected him to become the WHC at all, but a top heel and possible multi-time champion is all I would've asked for the guy.
  3. Absolutely wrecked over Sandow & Barrett being gone. The rest not so much.
  4. Me, Myself, & Irene. I'm a big Jim Carrey fan and yet I had never seen this movie before. Glad I finally did because it is amAAAzing.
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