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Everything posted by TheHavoc

  1. Fallen out of my love for playing video games? Never. Burned out on playing video games for short periods of time? Hell yes. Well you know what I mean by "love". That feeling when you start a new game and you get goosebumps because you are super hyped and excited.
  2. Has anybody else fallen out of their love for playing video games or is it just me? It seems the only games I have the urge to play are sports games like FIFA 17 or NBA 2K17...
  3. Outlast 2 Boy oh boy this game has me shitting my pants. I lasted an 1,5 hour before realising that I want to sleep tonight.
  4. For real.Even though it was a little repetitive on the side mission part,for me it was fun as hell planning ahead the mission and infiltrating exactly how you wanted to. The exceptional AI made it even better.
  5. Yeah but GTA V had a very weak story in contrast to Red Dead..So I see why they abandoned it
  6. That is the price that I was thinking.. Thanks for the input man
  7. So Uncharted 4 has conviced me to sell my Xbox One to buy a PS4.. The question is how much do you think is a good price for my Xbox considering it comes with: -2 Controllers -Dying Light -The Witcher 3 -WWE 2K16 -NBA 2K15 -Life Is Strange -Batman Arkham Knight -Assassin's Creed Syndicate -Far Cry 4 I don't want to get ripped off considering the content I am trying to sell
  8. http://www.ign.com/articles/2016/04/15/red-dead-redemption-2-map-leaked-will-be-a-prequel
  9. I've been playing Metal Gear Solid V The Phantom Pain...Great game.A 9.5/10 for me..great visuals,soundtrack and the gameplay variety is great BUT since I have never played a Metal Gear Solid game before I started digging on the Internet for the backstory of this game and is it just me or the Metal Gear Solid franchise's story is a HUGE MESS?
  10. Is anybody else having huge frame rate drops on Dying Light?Cause I have ever since I downloaded The Following expansion.. Is there a way to fix this or do I have to wait for them to patch this shit?
  11. Nba 2k15 The Witcher 3 GRID 2 WWE 2K15 GTA V
  12. Finally GTA Online heisting with a headset and some buddies..so much *censored*ing FUN
  13. NXT Is The Future

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