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Jeb ★

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Everything posted by Jeb ★

  1. ^That's an interesting theory! I enjoyed episode 2 as well. Whose characters have they yet to be introduced besides
  2. I wasn't expecting that to be the theme, not sure how I feel about it for now I thought the premiere was alright though Lol what if the bigger theme was actually American Horror Stories and the story changed every couple of episodes
  3. I only watch King Ross and Blampied's particular segments 1:13 "he's not some indy darling" irony
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6U-WhKxrHc already, lol
  5. I think the gimmick started souring on him because he wanted to turn back to being Cody but they didn't want that
  6. The only Spider-Man 2 I played was the PC version, which compared to the consoles version...
  7. Never got to play the first Amazing Spider-Man game, probably why I loved the second one. This is probably my favorite Spider-Man game
  8. All these must buys from E3 man, RIP wallet
  9. HYPE IS REAL. Dig the suit so much. Must suck for non-PS4 players though
  10. https://twitter.com/Aegis_Rose/status/741728311278206976 lmao
  11. Better than the previous belt
  12. "Stardust is gone... Cody Rhodes is not." I wish.
  13. http://wrestlinginc.com/wi/news/2016/0512/611656/another-wwe-veteran-released-from-his-performer-contract/
  14. http://www.kayfabenews.com/wade-barrett-selected-announce-result-american-election/
  15. https://twitter.com/GFWWrestling/status/729848422262509568/photo/1?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw
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