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Everything posted by Nevermore.

  1. Much respect for Cody. I definitely think he'll have heat in the WWE now, so it takes balls to do what he did. I think he could go somewhere like NJPW, be himself, and get over that way. I never liked the Stardust gimmick.
  2. Epic signature. Karl's a genius.

    1. .SM


      Hell yeah. I'm a little obsessed with him if I'm honest. xD

    2. Nevermore.


      Haha same here, just discovered An Idiot Abroad, and have watched all the episodes within a week.

  3. It's difficult to not stare at your sig. Haha.

    1. MrB


      Haha that's the idea. :P

  4. Sure, I'm not the greatest, but I'll give it a go. Got any preferred picture?

  5. Yeah, damn that was awesome. My whole street is flooded.

  6. Ah well, I guess you've saved yourself from some ass whoopin' in '12.

  7. I've got a 360 only. Not live or '12 just yet, though.

  8. True. I hear WWE '12 sucks too. Welcome back.

  9. Ah right, that's not too bad. Most people on YouTube can't put together a coherent sentence.

  10. Haha smart man. When did you come back on CAWs? Haven't seen you post in ages.

  11. Hello there. Nice avatar.

  12. Hello there. Nice avatar.

  13. Haha do you usually get hate for making the videos?

  14. It says it in your about me.

  15. Love all the AG videos, man. Keep up the good work.

  16. I guess we need to take care of them.

  17. There's only enough room for 1 Nathan in Melbourne. >_>

  18. Never heard of it. I'm from Deer Park.

  19. Where are you from in Melbourne?

  20. Cool name. Melbourne's boring, though.

  21. Flow is when a picture has a certain direction, for example, a person screaming into a microphone or someone pointing.

  22. Ah, never heard of it. haha. Nice sig too.

  23. *hi5* Yeah, Melbourne. I'm from Deer Park though, full of wannabe thugs. You?

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