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Hip Hop Joe

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Everything posted by Hip Hop Joe

  1. My chat is gonna go crazy when they see johari's alt attire
  2. Oh I got them. I was too hype when i saw them on cc
  3. They're looking INCREDIBLE. Loving their updated gear. I'm a have to get them new theme music.
  4. That's a cool loon for a face evie. Now I know what gesr to grab if I never split her and Johari up. Got Sonya last night. Just got 3 more to go. Once I have Minerva & Rita Murphy I can update the title history on the backup universe save and be good to go. Thanks for for sharing your girls again this year. I appreciate it.
  5. That's a bold move if you do. I'm a have them together for story reasons. But I could definitely try to put together a split storyline.
  6. reminds me of wc & dmx's vendetta outfits mashed together
  7. Morris got an upgrade . And okay cool. We pretty much have almost everyone back that's slated to return. Got roughly 11 people left and we'll be 100%. Bishop kicked off the season with a W too.
  8. PWM Markus & Morris still on the way? And Pouvoir Absolu?
  9. Sweet. I just need Carmine cause she's tag champs with Cathy. Rita Murphy & Minerva Johari Sonya Cruise
  10. The Cowgirl looks like a Lacey to me. The girls are looking good.
  11. I'm giving her and Johari a fireball when i get her
  12. Okay cool. Was hoping to have them in time for the Season 4 opener Thursday/Friday
  13. Sweet. When do you think you can have Carmine & cathy up?
  14. Madison had an exhibition stream debut today and won. She's looking good.
  15. Bet. Appreciate it. All i got left on my end I believe is... Evie Johari Rita Murphy Minerva Carmine Day Cathy Hollis Sonya Cruise
  16. I like the updated preview of him that you posted for and the group. I'm cool with whatever you want to do. The most I tweaked on him in 23 was his finisher because multiple people.on the roster ended up with it, so I made sure no one had the same finish across the board.
  17. Okay cool, just let me know. I think I'm gonna do the season 4 premiere next Thursday. No rush, because he doesnt have to appear immediately. But I would like to have his first title defense be on the first ppv of the season Revenge.
  18. Also Cathy Hollis & Carmine Day won the tag titles. I call them The Sensation.
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