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Status Replies posted by Crack.

  1. You still alive *Censored*?

  2. Dumbass

    1. Crack.


      Square up little *censored*

  3. BTW, cool avatar, where did you find the image?

    1. Crack.


      Thanks and it's the artwork from a rap mixtape called "Fresh Prince of Darkness" by Mic Terror

  4. bloody hell 40k

    1. Crack.


      Lol, I know right

  5. I've only just noticed you actually put the Post Count Whore mid year bar on your profile XD

    1. Crack.


      Lol I thought you would've forgotten about that xD

  6. What did ya say (since I couldn't see the post because of the quote)

    1. Crack.


      Damn I forgot lol, I think I quoted you and put "lmao" or something when you said you got a warn for calling somebody something

  7. I'm not crying, I'm just leaking swag.

    1. Crack.


      Then wipe yourself.

  8. I like your current avy. Keep that for a while. xD

    1. Crack.


      Lol thanks, will do :D

  9. Whos the chick in this Avy now bruh

  10. Your a fan of ass's right my *Censored*

  11. Did you really jerk off to Laura Croft bro lol

    1. Crack.


      I was 13 & I was bored yo, and Lara Croft on Tomb Raider: Legend, was a sexy piece of polygon.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  12. Yo you like AJ, and her ass right, well would you eat toilet paper out of her ass bruh.

  13. Love your post dude, they always seem to make me laugh

    1. Crack.


      Lol, its just some random Tumblr chick that I don't know the name of.




    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  14. Love your post dude, they always seem to make me laugh

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