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Everything posted by maskedmaniac

  1. My bad, it's called Lethal Enforcers 2, from Konami, not Data East. It was cool anyways, for the Sega Genesis so you can find the rom somewhere.
  2. A couple of other cool western themed games were Sunset Riders and that one game with a light gun, I forgot what it was called but it was cool renting it because you got to rent the gun as well. Think it was made by Data East.
  3. Also a sequel to Gun as long as were at it. That was the first cool western of the open world era.
  4. I'd say let them attack any group they want, but have some kind of penalty if you attack the wrong group. Attack your own kind and the response be severe. Or some kind of rank system where if you are a lawman you get more points for bringing in outlaws alive, but get penalized for attacking ranchers and other non-outlaws.
  5. Yeah different types of "gangs" or crews like some can be sheriffs, some army soldiers, Mexicans, Indians, robbers, etc, and each have their own agendas and can only attack certain groups.
  6. A PC version would be great with the modding. I saw someone mod the 360 version years ago and they put an elephant in somehow.
  7. I would let the last big foot get away from me, and then pull out my shotgun and blast him. Wasn't that mission in the regular RDR or was that Undead Nightmare?
  8. The zombies in Undead Nightmare scared me more than in any other zombie game. I guess it was being out in the wilderness, especially at night, and your horse was nowhere to be found and suddenly a bunch of zombies started running at you. The female zombies scared me so much more for some reason.
  9. I loved the zombie DLC, Undead Nightmare so yeah on that. Also, I hope native americans are roaming the planes and are a threat to the player.
  10. After 7 *censored*ing years, finally! I really hope this is for PC as well, if not I will definitely be buying a PS4 or XBO, for both the sequel and the HD remake.
  11. Zombie Army Trilogy and Super Mario 64. Almost 2 decades later Mario 64 is still fun and I can spend hour on it trying to collect all the stars.
  12. I never got 120 because of the penguin races, until emulators came around and I used cheats. I think getting all 120 gives you a giant penguin and Yoshi at the top of the castle aside from some other stuff.
  13. Red Dead Redemption right now on the old Xbox 360, and No Mercy on my computer at the same time.
  14. Pacman is gonna own the entire roster. I wish they would add Conker to this game.
  15. If you like this one I got more. It be great if you tried this one on. I used it for SvR 2010 and it looked awesome!


    Kao by [url=http://www.flickr.com/people/71836...

  16. Hey are you the same The Black Heart that made the MUGEN game also called The Black Heart?

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