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Posts posted by maskedmaniac
15 hours ago, CROSS-Out said:
It matters a little because if it looks like trash then it has to play better than older games to compensate; or else i'd rather just go back and play those old games. I probably should have included that in the first post I guess.
How does UPW look like trash? It has a very distinct art style to it abut it doesn't look bad. It definitely does not look anything like a "realistic looking" WWE game but it looked smooth gameplay wise in the video.
Death Island? Not the name would have expected from an RE game. I feel like this is going to be an online co-op game.
On 3/10/2023 at 11:19 PM, CROSS-Out said:
That's.. an incredibly difficult question to answer. Obviously when I get very angry with someone there's a part of me that wants to smack them, but if you're asking if I get the urge to go get a weapon and kill people, then no. At least, not anymore. I had a very troubling childhood and a younger version of me may answer differently, but I worked very hard on myself to get that under control. I cannot in good conscience speak for other people, I am myself and I only know myself and how i've felt; but lets just say there's a good reason I try to forget a lot of my younger days.
Thank you for the honest answer. I don't particularly feel that I myself have severe mental health issues, other than anxiety. I can control my anger usually, but I've also felt like smacking someone when most angry, but I never let myself use violence.
21 hours ago, CROSS-Out said:
Without going into specifics, i've been dealing with some fairly major demons from my past and mental health issues that I hadn't realized until very recently were messing with my temperament and how i behaved. I'm sure even on here i've acted more aggressive lately than i meant or even realized. Luckily i'm on the road to fix the problem now but it's been rather rough dealing.
Just curious, but have you ever at any point felt the urge to hurt someone else when you are going through these mental health issues? I've been wondering about that, why when there is a mass shooting some people cite mental health as the reason why they hurt other people. I think it's BS and believe that even at ones lowest point we are able to control our emotions and rationalize wrong from right and not go on a killing spree. You probably wouldn't want to answer my question lok, but as a public health grad student I may do a research paper on this someday and so I'm curious to ask people this.
7 hours ago, Generations said:
A great signing. I just hope they do more with him than they've done with others.
WWE always has this weird thing with luchadores, where they hire them and then kind of subconsciously place them under Rey Mysterio, or in his shadow, or whatever. Which is fair...to an extent. Rey is undoubtedly the most legendary luchadore that ever lived. BUT...it keeps growth from happening. Dragon Lee is a super talented performer who already has a name for himself. I worry about him being on NXT instead of the main roster (this used to be the other way around)...and I worry that they will strip him of his identity and make him scratch and crawl against Rey's legacy.
Sadly this is most likely what is going to happen. They are going to take his mask off, change his name, and ask him to wrestler differently. They do this with every luchador they sign and then wonder why the audience didn't care for them if they were already big in Mexico. They are just gonna ruin this guy too unfortunately.
On 6/27/2022 at 8:45 PM, Generations said:
Man...I feel ya.
I'm in a similar boat...(although, I'm 33, and the woman is 40). But, still...way out of my league. We were together for almost a year. I felt like the universe had finally decided that I deserved something nice. It felt surreal. And now I feel like she is gaslighting me. I can't shake the feeling that she just isn't being truthful...and I try to give her every opportunity to just tell me if this is the case, but it almost feels like she is always acting. I know she has a lot of trauma from both past relationships and childhood. But, I never saw things turning out this way. If she isn't being truthful with me, I wish she would stop trying to cling onto me as if nothing has changed...because, everything clearly has. It feels like she still gets everything she wants/needs out of our relationship...while simultaneously withholding everything that I need. And she doesn't understand why my trust in her is failing. It hurts so bad. I'm probably just going to cut my losses later this week. I feel used at this point. Like...she uses my good nature and caring energy to make herself feel good enough to find what she actually wants (which apparently is not me).
And I swear, there have been days when both of us are horny, but she rejects sex...and then I just can't shake the feeling that she is seeing someone else behind my back. Like...no one can be that horny and not want sex. But she denies this. Says she is loyal. Says she doesn't even talk to anyone...let alone sleep with them. She showed me her phone. Her texts and FB messages. Which should have made me feel better about things. But, I also know that she offered this information freely (I didn't ask her to)...so it would be easy to just prepare for that. The other day she took a bikini selfie by the pool...and when I inquired about it she got angry. Told me she is "allowed to feel sexy" or something generic. It just sucks. She was/is my best friend. I miss spending time with her. I miss her cat. I even miss her neighbor. But I literally do not trust her at this point. What's worse...we both work at the same place, and I think the person she is involved with is regularly there. So...it feels like a slap in the face. And I also feel like she has convinced our other coworkers that I'm a stalker or something. Like I just have this "unrequited love" for her...(even though I spent 5 or 6 days a week at her house and we made love often...as recently as a couple weeks ago). It has been making me paranoid for a long while. But I can't just accuse her without proof. If I just had one shred of proof...I could happily move on...knowing that I wasn't crazy the whole time. Instead, I'm miserable every single day of my life. It's insane to me that there could be people out here who would choose to do this to a partner. Every single person on this earth deserves honesty. There is nothing more freeing than being told the truth. Even if it hurts. It's the only thing I want.
It seems to be true that the hot ones are indeed crazy. (Even in saying this, I feel remorse for disrespecting her). This is the kind of love that I have for this woman. It feels wrong to suggest that she is untruthful or crazy...or that she would intentionally choose to hurt me. Which is why I want that proof so badly. I am not capable of just disrespecting someone by suggesting any of those things without proof. If I knew for sure, then I could say...okay, she was not the person I thought she was. It would be easier to let her go.
Oh man, this. Don't get me started. First of all, KingKhan, the fact that you're still 18 and barely an adult and the woman you fell in love with is almost 40 kind of explains your situation. I had never truly been in love until about the age of 35, that is when I met someone that seemed to like me more than anyone else before and she made me feel so good. She was only maybe 4 years younger than me but everything seemed to click for the first six months or so but once I tried to get the relationship to a more serious stage I started seeing that she wasn't interested in that and that's when the rampant lying started, or at least that's when I started noticing it. The point is, she had a boyfriend and I was just the side guy, I found this out thanks to social media. What I'm trying to say is that you are very young and she was much more mature than you. Relationships are like this and you already have this experience out of the way. I didn't have this knowledge until a few years ago and that is why I got played so many times by girls, now I know better at an older age. You will meet more girls in the next few decades and now with what you know you won't make the same mistake again. Some girls just like to play with guys emotions, it makes them feel good, like some sort of cheap thrill.
And you're right Gens, the truth is much better than being lied to even if the truth will hurt. At least that way you can live comfortably knowing that the decision you made is definitive as far as staying with someone or leaving them because you are okay or not okay with how they are. Nothing worse in a relationship than being with someone you secretly hate on the inside because you suspect they are lying to you and playing with you .
This is extremely difficult to download despite the tutorial video. I can't seem to get past some screens. Would it be possible to upload it to another site?
On 6/24/2022 at 6:59 PM, Fight Me. said:
Yeah, Kane's been getting cooked all day. Sad to think wrestlers considered him the smartest guy in the locker room back in the day.
Kane's never really been great to be honest. Can anyone name 3-5 of his matches that can be considered all-time classics? I guess I should be putting this in the unpopular opinions thread lol.
I really, really want this but the download links don't really work.
2 hours ago, Lunchbox said:
Going to try and get back into Ghost of Tsushima.
I played the hell out of this since early December when I got it on sale but now I feel burned out from it. This usually happens to me where I play a game and get pretty far into it to almost be able to complete before I get tired of it and stop playing it. The next time I feel like picking it back up I will have probably forgotten the controls and will have a hard time getting back into it.
Sooo....How about that Mexican soccer riot eh?
On 1/10/2022 at 9:44 AM, Generations said:
Mostly been living at my girlfriend's house, so I've been away from Xbox. Just been playing stuff on Switch for the time being.
Pokemon Brilliant Diamond, and Spritfarer.
I brought my PS4 over her place to use for watching DVDs and Blu Ray...but I don't play many games on PS4.
Do want to get back into Ghost of Tsushima. Maybe I'll do that.
I've been mainly playing Ghost of Tsushima since I got it Christmas week. Pretty good pickup, wish it had a training mode or fighting game mode.
WWE is development for AEW lol. WWE does all the training and marketing and then they let them go. AEW can just pick up any releases already trained and with a name to them. WWE is just straight up dumb right now.
AEW will snatch up Regal no doubt. His kind of leadership and experience backstage will be huge for that young roster.
RDR Undead Nightmare on PSnow. Great playing this again, truly the best DLC game ever made. Too bad it's not downloadable on PSnow. Sucks to play it streaming, everything struggles to load in real time.
On 11/15/2021 at 2:18 PM, Siul LXXXV said:
I still enjoy playing GTA Online and Red Dead Online but I admit that I mostly play missions than free roam as that's one reason why and when I do free roam in GTA Online, I'm in my Deluxo (Hovering DeLorean) which has a machine gun and missile rockets that I use to defend myself.
I still get killed at times but at least I spawn near by and those fools have to pay for my car's repair with their in game money and so they basically pay to kill me
Worst it it's always usually some little kid with a headset who you can barely make out what they're saying. Always causing shit to ruin your fun. Immature *censored*s!
I was playing RDR2 online, grinding and trying to get all the Halloween stuff...and then the annoying kids with headsets started popping up and shooting me for no good reason. Needless to say I'm back to single player mode.
6 hours ago, Spamming Nooblet said:
Trash of Us Part 2
A game I said I'd never buy because it's a pathetic woke piece of garbage. Why am I playing it? Because it's currently free on PSNow and I'm bored. Still didn't buy this garbage.
I've only played the first game and while I didn't notice any woke crap yet, I was extremely turned off by how there seemed to be a cut scene after every two minutes or so. I'm not into playing interactive movies. Days Gone much much better.
Smackdown vs Raw 2007, still holds up today.
Lets face it fellas, WWE is just developmental for AEW lol
2 hours ago, Generations said:
That sucks, man. But that's a long life. I'm sure she lived it well.
Yes she did, and I tried to give her everything I could. If there was one positive about the pandemic was that I got to work from home the last year or so and I would take her for a walk every day during my lunch break up until 2 weeks ago when her health declined. She loved that and so did I.
Had to put my dog to sleep yesterday after almost 18 years of having her. That sucked so bad.
1 hour ago, Fight Me. said:
I love Meltzer's and Alvarez's story they heard about Flair quitting. Basically he sent Vince a text complaining about Charlotte's booking and said "either fix it or I quit." And, well, here we are.
Don't worry, WWE will hire him again after a few more rappers or athletes mention him or appear with him on camera.
5 minutes ago, Generations said:
Jarrett is an awful promoter. Come to think of it...Jarrett is pretty awful at everything he does.
He was pretty good at taking Kurts wife tho
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Who are the dumb-asses that set off fireworks in the middle of the day? If you know, punch them for me please.