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Everything posted by JustJeds

  1. Dragon Ball Z: Budokai HD Collection on Xbox 360, and Marvel's Spider-Man on PS5
  2. Ive been playing a mix of things lately. The Sims 3, a little bit of WWE 2K19. Ive not long finished TWD: New Frontier, Ive now started TWD: Michonne, and Ill be playing TWD: Final Season after that.
  3. Playing a few things just now. Playing The Simpsons: Hit and Run on my PlayStation 2. As for my Xbox One, Im mixing between Yu-Gi-Oh: LOTD and Rocket League
  4. Super Luckys Tale GTA V WWE 2K18 Rocket League
  5. WWE 2K18, after being away all weekend finally been sat down playing it.
  6. What I've been playing recently: WWE 2K17 Might and Magic: Clash of Heroes Killer Instinct WWE Supercard Skate 3
  7. Burnout Paradise. Just got my Burnout License.
  8. After finishing Lego Star Wars, I've been playing a mix of: WWE 2K17, Burnout Paradise, Rayman Origins & Killer Instinct.
  9. Just recently got Xbox back, and I've just blasted through the last of the achievements for Peggle 2.
  10. Bought Slender: The Arrival on Xbox One the other day. My first time actually playing Slender, enjoyed it so far.
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