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Posts posted by CROSS-Out

  1. 3 hours ago, StillDriven said:

    People complain about not having enough CAW Slots every single year, but let me ask you guys this question respectfully...

    How many of you will download or create enough CAWS to fill up every single slot in the game but will only use 4 or 5 of them to play with during gameplay? I was never one of those gamers who would create hundreds of Superstars and only book them in one match for the whole year and then forget they are even in my roster list.

    Don't. Don't sit there and play defence for them. 2K are not your friend. Knock it off.

  2. I'm cautiously optimistic for this game; more so than i've been in a while. There's still a lot I don't like and I won't pretend otherwise, but implementation of a few features i've been pushing for for years makes me happy. I just hope that they've made fixing minor stiff a major priority since a lot of small issues built up over time.

    Still need to see the new moves, the DLC plan, and CAW mode; but i'm hoping I can at least feel confident this game might somewhat measure up in terms of my experience to the older days.

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