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About LastMinuteLapras

  • Birthday 02/16/1994

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  • Favourite Wrestler
    HBK, Daniel Bryan, Bo Dallas
  • Favourite Music
    Country Soft Rock Speed Metal
  • Favourite Wrestling Company
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  • Favourite TV Show
    Adventure Time :D
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Main Eventer

Main Eventer (7/10)

  1. Thats how I learned. Only issue I have now is that I am very picky about getting my practice in at locals instead of online because of how different they are. This is a problem because I can only really go to 1 local a month, being as I don't live nearby any locals & work keeps me from going to many of them either.
  2. Just going out there and saying that Corrin is completely and utterly broken.
  3. So true. Its nice to see someone bring a character considered lower on the tier list to the top 8 of a major tourney. Ranai is truly skilled. Honestly, I wish the GF could have been Ranai vs ZeRo instead of Dabuz vs ZeRo.
  4. I was stunned when that trailer appeared on my YouTube page. I saw that, I was like 'wait, WHAT?' So, who else were in those ballots? They didn't give any specific names. They just said that Bayonetta was the favorite in Europe & the overall favorite among the ballot. We can only assume that a lot of the costumes that we received during the duration of the ballot (K. Rool, Geno, Knuckles, Chrom, ect.) were popular choices. In other news, I am quite a fan of Cloud right now. It could just be because he is new, but he seems to be pretty solid. His approach game is okay, his defensive play is good, and while his recovery is bad, limit break fixes it and makes him faster while he has it charged on top of putting on lots of shield pressure.
  5. So I did a Smash for Wii-U stream last night and ended it by fighting and beating two of my crew members in a 2v1 Set. Gotta be ready for those 2v1 situations in Doubles.
  6. I agree. Heck, I go by Gokuguy elsewhere, and even I know Goku has no shot.
  7. I'm pretty sure that if there were any reason that I'd commit suicide, it would be because of the way this game sometimes gives you input lag to compensate for someone else's bad lag problem instead of slowing the game down like every other game in existence.
  8. Yeah, at this point I'm just trying to get a bit more tech practice in, while keeping a lookout for a Smash 4 tourney near my area. As soon as another one comes up, I'll be writing in for a day off at work.
  9. Anyone else here seriously thinking about, or already, go to locals?
  10. I'm happy for Nairo, but I'm not a fan of ZSS. I was, however, hyped about his Dr. Mario when he faced off against ESAM.
  11. Yep. Many fans will cry with tears of joy, while competitive players will just cry. We do, however, see slopes placed in this stage. Could that mean hope for slopes to be added to SMM perhaps?
  12. To FLOW and Rated R: IMDAHBES You know what I'm talking about, lol. Nice FG 2v2s.
  13. Pretty sure this is Sakurai's way of saying "These characters are not in my vision. Please stop voting for them, as there is no chance they're getting in." So sad... I was ready to make Yoshi my 2nd to main K. Rool. Ain't no way I'm maining K. Rool's Mii Fighter.
  14. Lol, if Lesnar ended up losing, he would F5 the fatty. I'd approve.
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