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About Slevin.

  • Birthday 08/22/1992

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    Sons Of Anarchy
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  1. Slevin.

    WWE Drama

    You can see it from both sides tbh. Sane was clearly out of it, yet Charlotte still forces her up into a Powerbomb and put her through a table. Whether she knew she was out of it at that point, who knows. From what I remember it wasn't until after that spot that Asuka checked on Kairi. Who knows what Kairi said to Asuka, people have had their head rocked before and acted like they were fine and it wasn't until the very end of the match that Becky checked on Kairi and told her to stay out of the rest of the match. People are stating the other three were communicating between one another but nobody knows what information was being passed. Can we blame Charlotte for it? Probably not. She might have taken a couple of liberties at the time but did she know? Maybe the Refs should have been more involved and checking on her more thoroughly. This whole "That's what you do in Wrestling" narrative people are going with is BS though. Yes some do (if they're capable) work through injuries but the main idea is to protect the person you're working with. If she thought she was in no fit shape to continue she should have made that call and worked around the rest of the match. THAT is what you do in Wrestling.
  2. Slevin.

    WWE Drama

    They probably concentrated on the word "Involuntary" and the charges being eventually dropped probably helped. They also have a guy who most likely covered up Brody's death. There are a few questionable entries in the HoF.
  3. Slevin.

    WWE Drama

    Yeah, I think it is more likely that he is in major denial about his sexuality or has serious regret about starring in gay porn than him being blackmailed or bribed into into doing it. That is quite a leap to get to that scenario with the little information we have.
  4. There was me not caring if the Ascension went to AEW.Then you done gone posted this.
  5. Slevin.

    WWE Drama

    Could always just ignore him.
  6. Slevin.

    WWE Drama

    Curious what Lethal did to deserve being called Uncle Tom.
  7. Slevin.

    WWE Drama

    They're in a delicate situation on how to handle it. If they fire or punish him, it will more than likely blow up in their face. They need to tread very carefully.
  8. Slevin.

    WWE Drama

    I believe it would be this. At the end of the day the threat of losing your place in WWE isn't as dooming as it was a few years ago. While you would lose employment there are defo options out there at the moment. Rush job or not, they made a piss poor move and him raising his initial concerns and it being released still is more alarming. Literally could've just written it in some Anime writing and it would've made sense but nope, welcome to the black and white minstrel show.
  9. Slevin.

    WWE Drama

    Highlight was Cornette telling David Starr to confront him at a show. God i hope this happens. Cornette has this vibe that he believes he's a legit badass, even though all he could muster when he had water spat at him was to throw a racket and a hissy fit. I don't believe Starr would drop to his level and get physical because he's smarter than that but I would enjoy reading the highlights.
  10. Slevin.

    WWE Drama

    Highlight was Cornette telling David Starr to confront him at a show.
  11. Slevin.

    WWE Drama

    Stop explaining yourself. The two people in the situation understand what happened. Others are just jumping on it for no reason.
  12. Slevin.

    WWE Drama

    Refer to previous point about us not really knowing if he tried to change things up or not. He may well have been limited to that "character". Missing the part where I claimed someone said that?
  13. Slevin.

    WWE Drama

    KENTA's character is simply a guy who will come into a match and kick the holy hell out of you. Much like Shibata. It worked for years because his moveset made it believable. You take away those kicks, you take away the GTS and it's not so believable. Not everyone needs an outlandish character to succeed. Everywhere else he got over. Japan, ROH etc. Why? They made him a credible threat. Despite the lack of a over the top gimmick. Like others have pointed out. You don't really know what he tried backstage, you're just assuming he was quite happy to do nothing (which asking for his release goes against?).
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