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Everything posted by OPC

  1. Sandow was too good for Outcasts. The guy had the potential to be a World champion or solid midcard if they'd taken advantage of all that freaken momentum he had coming out of the Miz feud. This company just doesn't give a damn anymore.
  2. Probably not. She'll probably get into music.
  3. Total Divas is a pretty good promo indicator. Playing a character well in a 10 seconds TV appearance is not enough to qualify as a proper manager. Total Divas is a reality show that exaggerates real life behavior. That's the last thing I'd use as an example to judge her skills of doing a wrestling promo. Her backstage stuff though shows me she could talk very well and be Sassy and all that like she was ment to. Anyway to each their own. I hope Cameron goes some where else and improve in all areas.
  4. I never had a problem with any of her backstage segments. She played her character as well as it was suppose to be played. Don't recall her ever cutting a real promo so we don't really know for sure how she would have done.
  5. Agreed. I would have liked to seen her stay on and be a manager for somebody but I guess WWE doesn't really do that much anymore. It would require them to give somebody outside of their current favorites a push.
  6. They very rarely use the IC/US belts the way they're suppose to anymore.
  7. I think WWE just likes to take people so far and then drop them because lets face it.They have THEIR favorites and thats never gonna change. I hope Sandow does really well else where.
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