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Everything posted by OPC

  1. Grand Theft Auto Online (PS4) Uncharted 4 (PS4) WWE 2K17(PS4) Halo: Master Chief Anniversary (Xbone)
  2. wow I really wanted to see her do well in WWE. Oh well.
  3. Runnels is the Rhodes Family's real last name. Oh yeah. slipped my mind.ha
  4. Is that not his real name? I don't see why he can't use it.
  5. That Sandow/Cody feud should have led to both of them being Main Event stars.
  6. Nah, I can see them doing what WCW did with Bret. Dunno how long you've been here but its sad because he used to actually post some real intelligent and accurate shit. I'm convinced his account has been hacked. Eh, at least he can defend his views well enough. lol at Cody thinking he could have been a main eventer. Nope, tbh. Though, the least they could have done was give him the title and see. Hopefully he'll be happier and utilized better elsewhere, as it seems WWE is too political for people like him to succeed. The two head writers.... jeez. I bet Punk wants to give Cody a high five, especially after Cody aired a dirty laundry. So you mean TNA will build their company around Cody? Because that's what WCW was going to do with Bret for the remainder of the 00's. And that was in effect until Goldberg inadvertently ended Bret's career. If so, I think that would be awesome for both Cody and TNA. And Lol @ thinking Cody shouldn't have been a main eventer. But hey, we're all entitled to our opinions, mah dude. Remainder of 00s? Isn't that too late, given Bret went to WCW in 97? From the documentaries and Vince, WCW didn't seem to care much for Bret. He doesn't look like main eventer or comes off as one. If he does, I haven't seen it. It had more so to do with Hogans having creative control and the nWo getting most of the lime light. We're all at least some what familar with Hogan and Brets history.
  7. I think he should honestly.
  8. Well there you have it lol.
  9. I could see Titus heading out too at some point.
  10. If TNA are smart they will grab him and utilize the hell out of him straight away.
  11. This is out of bounds. The guy doesn't say anything because he respects the business enough to stay quiet. He respected enough to play the role until realizing he deserved better. And he's a prima Donna for finally speaking his mind? Lately your posts have become rather "Austin"-like, not that they don't make sense, but some of your views are just wrong. He's far from a prima donna for saying what he said on his Twitter. Anyway, its funny that he was aware that everyone thought he looked like default CAW early in his career. And to see how far hes come since then and how much hes grown, it isnt hard to agree with him. He deserved better than Stardust and he should have been a world champion by now. Good luck, Cody. 100% true here. His 2011 Dashing and Undashing runs all showcased what Cody was capable of. Not to mention all that momentum he had in the feud with Sandow and WWE just threw it all to the side.
  12. That title is ugly as shit though Ill take that over some generic flat plate with a humongous WWE logo over top of it any day. (the World and Womens titles)
  13. Man WWE officials are a bunch of babies.
  14. Always liked Lillian. Especially her singing.
  15. There's a lot they could have did with Sandow but chose not to for whatever reason. My guess is he spoke up to a WWE official during the Miz story or feud and they didn't like it so they messed him up. So much for that Brass ring being reachable.
  16. Not surprised by Rose. Wont miss Ryback at all.
  17. Yeah their logic is I don't like them so they aren't over.
  18. Anybody that's able to get over with the little giving to work with as Sandow certainly is something special. He will be fine.
  19. wouldn't be shocked if he fails How would he fail?
  20. Besides in ring work Mojo is really cool character imo.
  21. I liked Swagger when he turned face and stepped to Rusev. Big waste of opportunity.
  22. He kept getting over so they stopped using him and let him go.
  23. That might be pushing it a bit. The guy was great as a midcard heel when he first debuted, but that's as far as I ever saw him going. World champion? Not a chance. I don't really remember a single Damien Sandow match that really stood out. I saw him and Cody Rhodes as potential World champions after the Money in the Bank ladder match. Really thought those 2 could have entered the Main Event from that moment on or soon after.
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